bennett's sicko forumMcQuiz of the Day: Who said this? Fact or Myth?
Post by Jill Havern 21.01.22 18:18
Let's have a bit of fun ... ct-or-myth
bennett's sicko forumMcQuiz of the Day: Who said this? Fact or Myth?
Post by Jill Havern 21.01.22 18:18
Let's have a bit of fun
someone on fb of course one of Team McCann Fan Club told me Bruckner is gonna be arrested and we will all have to say sorry to their pay master, oh when I asked about the cadaver scent, the answer is it’s something that I won’t understand it’s not an evidence Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be - Page 28 1f602 been told not to disturb them with my replies, they won’t be replying back. Oh they didn’t read PJfiles because it’s all liesHow do you deal with these ppl, best let them be they will be so disappointed one day when they wake up from the McCann spell.
During the searches two dogs were deployed and although it has been stated that no physical remains were located in the area these dogs did give indications in several areas. These areas have been subject to a separate forensic examination that is beyond the scope of this report and at the time of writing laboratory tests are being undertaken. The dogs’ handler has submitted a separate report regarding the performance of the dogs (see appendix 4). However, it must be stated any such indications without any physical evidence to support them can not have any evidential value, being unconfirmed indications.someone on fb of course one of Team McCann Fan Club told me Bruckner is gonna be arrested and we will all have to say sorry to their pay master, oh when I asked about the cadaver scent, the answer is it’s something that I won’t understand it’s not an evidence Christian Brueckner: To be or not to be - Page 28 1f602 been told not to disturb them with my replies, they won’t be replying back. Oh they didn’t read PJfiles because it’s all liesHow do you deal with these ppl, best let them be they will be so disappointed one day when they wake up from the McCann spell.
.Additionally I consider no inference can be drawn as to whether a human cadaver has previously been in any location without other supporting physical evidence