The Armchair detective

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Re: The Armchair detective

Post by jjbd » Thu Oct 01, 2020 7:04 pm


The two cases are entirely unrelated - not that I believe the rape story.
Ms Behan’s attacker, who removed his shoes at the door and set up a video camera in the room, told her not to scream. He dragged her into the living area and tied her to the countertop of the breakfast bar, before producing a bag of whips and chains. Using scissors to remove her clothes, he gagged her with cloth so she could not scream, and proceeded to beat and rape her.

She said: “It seemed to me he had worked everything out, he had a plan and was very deliberate. He consistently cleaned his hands, and repeatedly changed condoms. This went on, I guess, for around four or five hours.

Ms Behan was taken to the local hospital where a gynaecologist examined her, but she does not know if any forensic evidence was taken. She says no attempt was made to examine her wounds for evidence. When she returned to the room several days later with her parents, “my Mam found a nail of mine on the bed which must have come off in the initial scuffle. So I am not very confident that they examined the room closely.”

Ms Behan added: “I had little hope over the last 16 years that they would find the man who did this. I was told at the time that I should just be quiet, that if I talked about what had happened I would bring bad publicity to the resort and put off the tourists.

“Then I read about the poor American woman who was raped in September 2005 - who I would love to talk to - and the possible link that was being made between her attack and the person who abducted Madeleine McCann, and I was so full of anger, I knew in my gut it was the right thing to do to speak out.

“I think if the police had done their job investigating what happened to me, if this is indeed the same man that attacked the American and abducted Madeleine McCann, they might have prevented the attack on her, and Madeleine would now be at home with her parents.”

German police and London’s Metropolitan police are thought to have identified the German man as a key suspect in Madeleine’s disappearance. They have appealed to the public for any information and have received about 400 calls.

Ms Behan, who lives in Ireland with her husband and two children, has given a statement to the UK’s Met, who informed her they were taking her case seriously and would be contacting Portuguese police. Ms Behan said the Met had informed her that other people had contacted them independently about her attack.

“They offered everything they can do to help me,” she said. “It’s the first time in 16 years that I’ve been offered any help from an official. I live in hope of finally getting closure on an extremely difficult chapter in my life.” She added: “Speaking out about this is difficult, but in my gut I feel it is the right thing to do.”

The Met would not comment on Ms Behan’s case but the force reiterated its appeal for “anyone with information to come forward and speak with us”. Portuguese police have not responded to a request for comment.– Guardian ... -1.4274446
ack Brietta Justice Forum


What makes Verdi not believe the rape story?

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Re: The Armchair detective

Post by Whiterose » Fri Oct 02, 2020 10:56 am

Poor woman, now they say it wasn't CB, so there must be another person who behaves the same as he does. Verdi is so full of herself she talks a load of shite and mocks the Police reports, she has a bit of authority in that pit, doesn't want that taken away from her, sad, sad life :s_crazy
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Re: The Armchair detective

Post by sal » Fri Oct 02, 2020 3:23 pm

by Tony Bennett Today at 15:02

Happy Birthday Dr Goncalo Amaral.

I think you are 61 today.

I am so very sorry that so many British people and British police officers have lied to you about what really happened to Madeleine McCann.

I hope by now you are fully aware of, and accept, that the so-called 'Last Photo' of Madeleine was not taken, as claimed, on Thursday 3 May but, rather, on Sunday 29 April.

How good it would be if your former PJ colleagues could begin their entire investigation afresh on that fixed point - this photo taken on Sunday 29 April at either 1.29pm or 2.29pm.

Starting from there, the PJ should have a second look at all that happened in the 104 hours from then until 10pm Thursday 3 May, paying special attention to the evidence of Nuno Lourenco, the Make-Up Photo, the actual photos of Madeleine's actual pyjamas - and the booking of the Tapas restaurant on Sunday night:
:s_laughat :rofl-1:

Amaral replies. :finger:
Q: Have you considered the possibility that Madeleine died on the previous night or even when mrs. Fenn heard the crying?
A: Naturally - the investigation begins with establishing if the person who disappeared, does actually exist and then, who was the last person to see her - the investigation shows clearly that she was last seen around 17.30.

Q: Have you any doubt as to the validity of Madeleine attending the creche on 3/5?
A: No doubt whatsoever.
Rogério Alves says claims made by Gonçalo Amaral are a 'waste of time'

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Re: The Armchair detective

Post by jjbd » Fri Oct 02, 2020 8:01 pm

Do people remember in the past when bennett got amarals birthday wrong? That was a real laugh. I have not checked this time to see if bennett is right.

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Re: The Armchair detective

Post by jjbd » Fri Oct 02, 2020 8:05 pm

amaral was advertised by bennett as attending a Madeleine foundation meeting - in some secret location - did that ever happen - of course not.

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Re: The Armchair detective

Post by jjbd » Fri Oct 02, 2020 8:07 pm

A Madeleine foundation member - I can't remember his name - went to some event held by amaral and presented him with - wait for it - a fridge magnet - from bennett's foundation.

What an event that was.

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Re: The Armchair detective

Post by Alibongo » Fri Oct 02, 2020 8:12 pm

Dig for victory :s_biggrin

Neville wotsit :s_yes
Parent-blaming is all-too-common these days, and usually the point is to make other parents feel better about their own parenting skills

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Re: The Armchair detective

Post by Alibongo » Fri Oct 02, 2020 8:18 pm

jjbd wrote:
Fri Oct 02, 2020 8:01 pm
Do people remember in the past when bennett got amarals birthday wrong? That was a real laugh. I have not checked this time to see if bennett is right.
Yes :s_rofl
Parent-blaming is all-too-common these days, and usually the point is to make other parents feel better about their own parenting skills

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Re: The Armchair detective

Post by jjbd » Fri Oct 02, 2020 8:25 pm

Then there was the time when the foundation sent a contribution to amaral - bennett sent a postal order, or was it a money order, or was it an international money order - and it was sent back to him rejected by somebody like morais?

Oh those were the days that verdi and ors never remember.

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Re: The Armchair detective

Post by Whiterose » Sat Oct 03, 2020 10:31 am

jjbd wrote:
Fri Oct 02, 2020 8:07 pm
A Madeleine foundation member - I can't remember his name - went to some event held by amaral and presented him with - wait for it - a fridge magnet - from bennett's foundation.

What an event that was.

Wow, bet he loved that :s_rofl
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Re: The Armchair detective

Post by Whiterose » Sat Oct 03, 2020 10:34 am

sal wrote:
Fri Oct 02, 2020 3:23 pm
by Tony Bennett Today at 15:02

Happy Birthday Dr Goncalo Amaral.

I think you are 61 today.

I am so very sorry that so many British people and British police officers have lied to you about what really happened to Madeleine McCann.

I hope by now you are fully aware of, and accept, that the so-called 'Last Photo' of Madeleine was not taken, as claimed, on Thursday 3 May but, rather, on Sunday 29 April.

How good it would be if your former PJ colleagues could begin their entire investigation afresh on that fixed point - this photo taken on Sunday 29 April at either 1.29pm or 2.29pm.

Starting from there, the PJ should have a second look at all that happened in the 104 hours from then until 10pm Thursday 3 May, paying special attention to the evidence of Nuno Lourenco, the Make-Up Photo, the actual photos of Madeleine's actual pyjamas - and the booking of the Tapas restaurant on Sunday night:
:s_laughat :rofl-1:

Amaral replies. :finger:
Q: Have you considered the possibility that Madeleine died on the previous night or even when mrs. Fenn heard the crying?
A: Naturally - the investigation begins with establishing if the person who disappeared, does actually exist and then, who was the last person to see her - the investigation shows clearly that she was last seen around 17.30.

Q: Have you any doubt as to the validity of Madeleine attending the creche on 3/5?
A: No doubt whatsoever.

Love Tony :s_roses xxxx Reply to - High security Ward, Room IAM
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Re: The Armchair detective

Post by Whiterose » Sat Oct 03, 2020 10:36 am

That is short for I Am Mad
“Anyone can give up, it's the easiest thing in the world to do. But to hold it together when everyone else would understand if you fell apart, that's true strength.” – Unknown

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Re: The Armchair detective

Post by jjbd » Wed Oct 14, 2020 6:17 pm

Anthony Bennett
What a very strange tweet. I'm Tony Bennett, I'm doing fine & haven't changed my views on what happened to Maddie #McCann one bit.

On the contrary I'm one of a large number who believe she died Sunday 29 Apr.
I hope a lot of people see this public tweet accusing the Mccanns of lying about the disappearance of Madeleine.

He should go down.

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Re: The Armchair detective

Post by sal » Thu Oct 15, 2020 3:50 pm

I wonder how the lunatics family feel about his constant thirst to see himself back in court. :s_crazy
Rogério Alves says claims made by Gonçalo Amaral are a 'waste of time'

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Re: The Armchair detective

Post by sal » Thu Oct 15, 2020 6:21 pm

hmm, I wonder which of his merry mods once wrote.>>

I was in the middle of a literary masterpiece when my computer went all funny ~ perhaps it's infected with the dreaded bacterium.

Where was I? Oh yes, TB. I would think that in itself gives an indication of this mans mentality. He is either barking mad or he has some specific agenda ‘on’ his sleeve that we are unable to decipher. An educated person, particularly one practiced in law, is expected to be circumspect, intelligent and above all professional but here we find TB breaking just about every rule relative to diplomacy.

He attacks the government; he attacks colleagues, acquaintances, police ~ in fact just about everyone he comes into contact with. Now to my way of thinking that does not indicate a stable character. He is said to be a trained solicitor so why does he persist with degrading his profession in the eyes of the world, at the same time decrying authority.

The solution to the Madeleine Mccann case does not lie in the hands of vigilantes; it is the responsibility of the appropriate law enforcement agencies to see justice is done. If one really chooses to believe TB to be supporting Madeleines cause then his course of action can only be seen as a personal vendetta against the Mccanns and their family which is definitely not the way forward. I can see no evidence that this man is really on-side!
Of course there is a possibility that he is only an attention seeker, in which case I will offer my advice and suggest he try for asylum seeker instead!
Rogério Alves says claims made by Gonçalo Amaral are a 'waste of time'

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Re: The Armchair detective

Post by sal » Fri Oct 16, 2020 8:26 am

Anthony Bennett
Replying to

and 4 others
Is it true that "so many people would have had to become accessories"? IMO NO. If indeed Maddie #McCann died Sunday, all that would be needed to carry off an abduction hoax would be the co-operation of Tapas7, Cat Baker & a few others in the plot, like Nuno Lourenco with his lies
Demented fool
Rogério Alves says claims made by Gonçalo Amaral are a 'waste of time'

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Re: The Armchair detective

Post by jjbd » Fri Oct 16, 2020 10:37 am

sal wrote:
Thu Oct 15, 2020 3:50 pm
I wonder how the lunatics family feel about his constant thirst to see himself back in court. :s_crazy
They are probably licking their lips as he has told them of the unlimited support and extra cash they will all get from a GoFundMe.

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Re: The Armchair detective

Post by sal » Fri Oct 16, 2020 10:45 am

:s_biggrin :s_biggrin :s_biggrin
Rogério Alves says claims made by Gonçalo Amaral are a 'waste of time'

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Re: The Armchair detective

Post by honestbroker1 » Fri Oct 16, 2020 2:36 pm

There's a third of a million pounds sloshing around in a gofundme account somewhere to finance the defence costs of Jeremy Corbyn in some libel action threatened against him.

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Re: The Armchair detective

Post by jjbd » Fri Oct 16, 2020 7:30 pm

Verdi Yesterday at 0:57
I can't imagine what Friedrich Fulscher and his employers are playing at but justice in the name of Madeleine McCann it ain't! It's nigh on five months now since this rubbish hit the headlines and still it continues. The German's alleged phone records/contact amount to nothing but detraction.
"Nigh on 5 months" compared with nigh on 30 months from the letter to Portugal. Or in reality 13 years with the Mccanns and they have not yet been charged..

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Re: The Armchair detective

Post by sal » Fri Oct 16, 2020 8:01 pm

and still they live in hope.>>>>

Rogério Alves says claims made by Gonçalo Amaral are a 'waste of time'

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Re: The Armchair detective

Post by jjbd » Fri Oct 16, 2020 8:12 pm

Verdi Yesterday at 0:57
I can't imagine what Friedrich Fulscher and his employers are playing at but justice in the name of Madeleine McCann it ain't! It's nigh on five months now since this rubbish hit the headlines and still it continues. The German's alleged phone records/contact amount to nothing but detraction.
Notice that the all knowing Verdi is questioning the defending solicitor Friedrich Fulscher and not the prosecutor!

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Re: The Armchair detective

Post by Whiterose » Sun Oct 18, 2020 12:08 pm

sal wrote:
Fri Oct 16, 2020 8:01 pm
and still they live in hope.>>>>


:s_rofl :s_rofl :s_rofl
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Re: The Armchair detective

Post by catkins » Sun Oct 18, 2020 1:21 pm

sal wrote:
Fri Oct 16, 2020 8:01 pm
and still they live in hope.>>>>

:snig: Sadly there is no cure for halfwits.
Madeleine McCann- Abducted May 2007 from Praia Da Luz, Algarve, Portugal.
DCI Redwood of Scotland Yard - stated that Madeleine could still be found - alive. ... ign?_rdr=p

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Re: The Armchair detective

Post by jjbd » Sun Oct 18, 2020 8:52 pm

Apparently Friedrich Fulscher has joined some hater Facebook groups:

The Madeleine McCann Controversy
The complete mystery of Madeleine McCann TM

(ack Websleuths)

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