Sonia Poulton - clearly not what most call a real journalist
- urcrazy
- Posts: 15296
- Joined: Sun Mar 20, 2011 6:33 pm
Re: Sonia Poulton - clearly not what most call a real journa
Poulton was an utter idiot to throw in her lot with 'Outlaw'. It shows how bloody terrible her judgement is.
If it's true she's dobbed Ryan in then I might even feel sorry for him. He's a silly thug but she was happy to use him.
If it's true she's dobbed Ryan in then I might even feel sorry for him. He's a silly thug but she was happy to use him.
Scotland Yard detectives believe Madeleine was abducted in "a criminal act by a stranger"
No Janine you poor deluded muppet, I am NOT John Lowe.
And neither, thankfully, are you.
No Janine you poor deluded muppet, I am NOT John Lowe.
And neither, thankfully, are you.
- urcrazy
- Posts: 15296
- Joined: Sun Mar 20, 2011 6:33 pm
Re: Sonia Poulton - clearly not what most call a real journa
Jones basically pleaded that it might have been his kids, and that he's got mental health problems -
'Jones – who was allowed to sit with a community psychiatric nurse in court'
'Jones – who was allowed to sit with a community psychiatric nurse in court'
Scotland Yard detectives believe Madeleine was abducted in "a criminal act by a stranger"
No Janine you poor deluded muppet, I am NOT John Lowe.
And neither, thankfully, are you.
No Janine you poor deluded muppet, I am NOT John Lowe.
And neither, thankfully, are you.
- Hael
- Posts: 20885
- Joined: Mon Aug 09, 2010 11:34 pm
Re: Sonia Poulton - clearly not what most call a real journa
The trolls funding a shamed coppers right to lie about Kate and Gerry McCann are a new level of weirdo.[omitted] they may have destroyed all hope for good.Talking up conspiracy theories is one thing.Wrecking the search for an abducted child is another.-The Sun
- Rob1
- Posts: 4081
- Joined: Fri Jul 08, 2011 1:16 am
Re: Sonia Poulton - clearly not what most call a real journa
urcrazy wrote:Jones basically pleaded that it might have been his kids, and that he's got mental health problems -
'Jones – who was allowed to sit with a community psychiatric nurse in court'
Hope is important because it can make the present moment less difficult to bear. If we believe that tomorrow will be better, we can bear a hardship today. Thich Nhat Hanh
- Hael
- Posts: 20885
- Joined: Mon Aug 09, 2010 11:34 pm
Re: Sonia Poulton - clearly not what most call a real journa
Delving deeper into how Sonia Poulton links to the Outlaw (James Jones/Jimmy Jones) has led me to more ...
Apologies for not having the time to resize the inserted screenprints, but you are most welcome to read the article on the original website.
This from Chris Spivey website: ... you-is-it/
1 September 2015
* link added
Apologies for not having the time to resize the inserted screenprints, but you are most welcome to read the article on the original website.
This from Chris Spivey website: ... you-is-it/
1 September 2015
Some of the comments on that article:1 September 2015 - “Spiv is a wrong-un look you, is itâ€
Christopher Spivey
For obvious reasons there has been no major articles added of late as they take time and a lot of research to compile.
Course, I am still caught up in the quagmire that is the British legal system as I mount my appeal against both sentence and conviction but I can assure you that Part 4 of the bin lorry bollox is well underway and most of the research done and evidence gathered, needed to expose a more recent government hoax which I hope to start putting into words sometime this week.
Nevertheless, it has come to my attention that Little Boy Roy, a leading figure in the Weeble Movement – a movement allegedly led by Sonia Poulton – had the website he fronts, ‘hacked’ a couple of months ago.
Luckily, it would appear that the hacker was unable to find any witterings of substance to destroy and as such Little Boy Roy escaped without having too much damage done. Indeed, it could be said that the hacker did him a favour by destroying a substantial number of what could be described as “incriminating†articles that unfortunately contradict Little Boy Roy’s moral stance at this moment in time.
That fact however, should not be seen as detrimental to the constant stream of drivel that Little Boy Roy adds to “The Outlaw†in his capacity of site caretaker.
After all, I feel sure that he is the first to admit that his self-evidenced, severe & multiple mental elf problems prevent him from any rational thought and leave unable to differentiate between fact & fiction.
For instance Little Boy Roy was at one time my biggest supporter whereas now he appears to hate me after being caught trying to wreck my website – as is evidenced in my article “Make no bones the midget dronesâ€.
This is consistent with his view on Darren Laverty, whom Little Boy Roy often talked about in his frequent emails to me, describing him as his “best friendâ€.
As a quick ‘aside’, Darren confirms what I have suspected for a long while, namely Jones does not write his blog:
He doesn’t only leap on the backs of child abuse victims for his free rides, he’s also been free riding on the backs of established authors and intellectuals. I’ve evidenced previously the similarities of my personal blog entries when compared to his follow ups.
But since I published this entry 3 weeks ago I’ve been supplied with over 70 examples of his outright plagiarism. An educational software program which was developed to identify incidences or acts of plagiarism was used to investigate various blog entries supposedly written by Royden Jones aka the Outlaw.
There are enough examples of word theft for any reader to draw to the conclusion that he’s an Internet delinquent who’s maladjusted and fanatical behaviour, aligns himself with delusional aspirations of becoming the another David Icke or Alex Jones from the USA. Source
Yet once again, Little Boy Roy’s position changed and he decided that he hated Darren – whom Jones is now publicly claiming that he met only the once and sussed him straight away.
In fact he decided that he hated Darren so much that he tried to co-opt my help in publicly vilifying his new found enemy, based upon what I now know to be fabricated evidence.
That email prompted me to respond thus:
To which Little Boy Roy replied:
Which is very strange because Little Boy Roy has never been in care… Unless you class Broadmoor maximum security mental hospital as a care home.
Nevertheless, he is adamant that he was:
In other words, one of those kind of people who are no better than those who claim to have cancer to garner sympathy – or worse – yet are in reality as fit as a fiddle.
Course, Jones is well known for befriending GENUINE survivors of CSA, and then shitting on them from a great height. Indeed, he certainly appeared to groom Steve Messham before turning on him (Source) *
He did in fact tell me that he was in Bryn Estyn and another “approved home†with Messham, dspite him telling Laverty that he was only at Bryn Estyn for a month which he also claims he spent in solitary confinement:
Yet Messham clearly doesn’t have a Scooby Doo who the F@ Jones is:
Strange that, don’t cha think?
Of course, had there been any truth in Little Boy Roy’s claims about Darren Laverty and others that he slags off, people would have been rightly outraged, yet Jones sees absolutely nothing wrong with trying to discredit innocent people whom he views as ‘getting in his way’ – including me!
Now whilst I am sure that Jones wasn’t behind the SS involvement with Clayton, I do believe that him and Jane Russell AKA Sonia Poulton did maliciously report Danielle Le Verite to the SS.
The following is what I wrote in my article “I Am I Said†in regard to Poulton being Russell, which carries further proof to that claim than what is listed below:
Sonia Poulton is in fact Jane Russell, and as such, I am sure that I do not need to give you an insight as to how vile the acid tongued fake is.
That is also why “Jane†never speaks to the brain damaged danger mouse, who is in fact friends with known paedophiles… The proof is on the web for want of looking.
Nevertheless, Poulton would never lower herself to mix with the likes of Jones who has a rather ordinary – if not substandard – IQ level. Hence she never converses with him except when in Jane Russell mode.
Course, the fact that the Webshite is called Outlaw and ‘Outlaw’ was a film STARRING Jane Russell should have been obvious to all.
And then it suddenly dawned on me. The Outlaw starring Jane Russell, as opposed to the Outlaw starring Jimmy Jones. Or put another way, Jane Russell AKA Sonia Poulton does all of his writing, being as the funny looking fucker can’t write for shite… It is Jane Russell’s site, hence why Jones always refers to himself in the 3rd person – the Outlaw – when giving his point of view over… For instance: “Here at the Outlaw we believe that…†rather than him writing “I believe that… “.
This close – albeit bizarre & unlikely – relationship between Poulton & Jones is further reinforced in the numerous emails Jones was so fond of sending me.
The following emails evidencing the close relationship between Jones & Poulton start with a reply email that Jones sent me after I had passed some information on to him in regard to a mad bird called Sharon Kilby/Zaki who at the time was badgering me to write a ‘hit piece’ on Hollie Grieg:
Indeed Little Boy Roy doesn’t have a good word to say about anyone, even his old mate David Icke. The following is how he publicly feels about Icke:
The truth is somewhat different though:
However, having had time to sit and think about it, this is not a case of Little Boy Roy being a terrible judge of character and as such no one being able to trust a word that he says – you can’t obviously but that is not because of his incredible inability to correctly weigh up any given situation; leading to him constantly changing his perception of any given subject.
Neither is his lack of critical thinking down to him being a calculating troll out to destroy the hard work put in by people genuinely alarmed about subjects such as child abuse… I am trying to be nice.
And neither is he a two faced idiot… Stop laughing… After all, proffesional medical opinion would suggest that he really can’t help his twisted, contradictory, bullshitting, narcissistic, deluded nature.
You see, having now thought about it, Little Boy Roy’s deceit – which has been evidenced (see HERE) time and again – has to stem from his professionally diagnosed, alarmingly poor mental state.
* ... disguises/
Indeed, had it not been for the disgusting government service cut-backs on Mental Health services – presented to the public by the government spin doctors as “Care in the Community†– Little Boy Roy would have been safely locked up.
In fact, I actually disagree with Little Boy Roy’s doctors who deem him only a danger to himself.
You see, I do in all honesty regard him as being a great danger to all of those he contacts.
However, in saying that I am not for a second suggesting that anyone is in any danger of Jones being violent towards them. After all, Tiny Jim is a coward and far too small to be a danger to any man over 4 ft 11 tall.
Indeed, the danger Tiny Jim poses to others is his manipulating personality and the depths that he will sink to in order to try and break a person… And remember, nearly all of those that the on-line bully tries to break are usually ‘broken’ anyway having had the most unimaginable, horrendous childhoods.
Likewise, his inability to tell the truth stems from his severe nuttyness.
For instance, one minute he will claim that he was the person to ‘out’ Sir Peter Morrison – going as far as trying to plant false memories in my head and urging me to publicly acknowledge the false claim so as to give him a bit of credibility.
Yet in the next breath he will be denying the claim.
Now that proof of Jones’ inability to recognise his own deceitful contradictions and narcissism is indisputable, yet those few who bother to comment on the site Litle Boy Roy manages and who are actually real people as opposed to the many accounts that are Little Boy Roy’s alter egos, are incapable of recognising that his psychological personality disorder makes any claims he make untrustworthy at best.
Another example is that in the above Little Boy Roy claims that he has never heard of Gordon Anglesey “until recently†yet the following email proves different.
Madness to us, normal behaviour to Little Boy Roy.
And then there is the question of Jimmy Savile, a fella Little Boy Roy dedicated a whole status to defending:
Are you sure Roy the Boy?
Similarly is the way that he is unable to feel empathy for anyone as is evidenced time and again on the blog he manages. Yet he is the first to try and elicit sympathy for the problems that his mental instability causes him and his children.
Course, Little Boy Roy was particularly unsympathetic when I was arrested yet he was crying his eyes out to me when he was arrested and fearful that what happened to me would happen to him.
Dogman thinks highly of you too Royo the boyo… Not.
Mind you, never let it be said that the Welsh Wind Farm does not have principles.
Indeed, there is nothing Woy despises more than donate buttons. In fact he was busy adding an article to Sonia’s site just two days ago banging on about how he WOULD NEVER DONATE TO ANY OF US CHARLATANS.
Indeed, Jane Russell/Sonia Poulton hates me equally as much and shares Jones’ view on donations.
However, for all Little Boy Roys faults… And he really is very little.
I bear him no malice. After all, he has donated money to me on at least 3 occasions and as such, I feel that I should help him out by providing him with one of those selective articles that his “hacker†destroyed.
Come to think of it, Jane Russell set up a monthly direct debit to me donating £10 a month because she thought I was the tits, look:
The hypocrisy is very strange given their ‘holier than thou’ self promotion, don’t cha think.
Very strange.
Nevertheless, before I Leave you with that article, let’s hear from Tiny Dim himself:
The source to that video which makes for an interesting read can be found HERE * ... utlaw.html
You may also like this one found HERE * ... mes-jones/ as the comments are particularly good and the article found HERE * ... gas-light/ explains how Jones & Russell operate.
And so to the article… Don’t thank me Boy.
neil flanagan
SEPTEMBER 1, 2015 @ 10:11 PM
hello chris and team. chris, i cant say iv ever heard of him. i tried fabooka the state but it was to filled up with posts about him. you really shouldn’t give him the time of day. lots of love to all.xxxxxx
SEPTEMBER 1, 2015 @ 10:14 PM
Jones the midget is obviously jealous of the success of your site Chris. As a narcissist, he believes that you have ‘stolen’ all the glory that ‘rightfully’ belongs to him. In the mind of the narcissist, everyone else is a mug, whilst they are superior in every way. They can’t understand why everyone else can not see how truly brilliant they are; their vindictiveness knows no bounds. They are completely devoid of empathy, except when it comes to themselves; they can certainly feel their own pain, and they expect the rest of the world to commiserate with them. In some ways, you could almost feel sorry for the midget, because Narcissistic Personality Disorder is very real (I am no psychologist but I am convinced that this is what the midget has), but then you have to remind yourself how truly wicked and cruel these people can be; they wreck lives; they will demolish reputations in their relentless drive to take center stage. They leave a trail of ruined lives and emotionally devastated people in their wake…..this is what makes them so dangerous. They might not ever be physically violent, but their cunning acts of evil and manipulation can not be underestimated. They are such good actors that very often they can fool even the most intelligent people (although Wolfie had the midget sussed from the start). Jones will never concede that he is wrong because this is the antithesis of the narcissist…..they simply can not comprehend that they might be wrong about anything. Lorraine
SEPTEMBER 1, 2015 @ 11:05 PM
Not only did you put a nail in their coffin, you screwed them fuckers firmly down.
The slimeball’s treachery knows no bounds, thank F@ I never came across him.
Reminds me of the Happy Mondays album,Shills, pills and belllyache. Great article.
SEPTEMBER 1, 2015 @ 11:25 PM
Daz, try again with your comment. It came thru blank. Did Jism refer a tech guy to you, lol?
SEPTEMBER 1, 2015 @ 11:51 PM
Brilliant blog, everything in its place, but I doubt very much that Poulton is Russell. Going back a few years ago Jones was always promoting Join the Dots and Cross of change who both post identical posts even down to the dates and times. The sites are run by a women known as Sheva Burton, I believe this person is Jane Russell, I am told she is an alcoholic and completely loses it, when she has had too much, also, both those sites promote Jones site. My offer still stands I offer a reward to anyone who can supply me with proof of who this Russell women is. Jones is obsessed with you probably wishes he was you, as he has such a boring life, he has to make up stories about his life, stolen memories as Darren calls them, even to have that photo taken outside Bryn Estyn in exactly the same position where Darren had his photo taken by a newspaper many years before, Im sure Darren could supply you with a copy of it. I found it to be really creepy tbh. As I and others have said before, everyday he is online he is putting his children and wife in danger, if he was a real man, he would think of them and not let his insane jealousy take the better of him. I hope your appeal works out for you Chris. Blessings to you and your family xx
Ciaran Goggins
SEPTEMBER 2, 2015 @ 10:00 AM
We need to stop asking “Who is Russell� Work on “Russell is…†Bryn Estyn came to my attention when Anglesea (sic) and “Sine Favore†lodge (a fave of North Wales Police vermin) plus “Pegasus†lodge were identified. Jane Russell was an early runner in the Jean Hatchet/Vonny Watts/Lisa Marie Taylor sweepstakes. I have no problem with Sonia Poulton, she was doing some stuff on police corruption. I know she is unloved here! I shall wrap up for now and concentrate on what Norfolk and Essex cuntstabularies are up to.
SEPTEMBER 2, 2015 @ 2:39 PM
jane russell is a construct. End of.
The construct though, has many shadows. I am positive that this character has had many operators. The current one being Poulton.
We all recognise parts of ‘her’, and can trace the ‘history’ of the account/character/construct…because ‘she’ is probably ALL those ‘people’.
Who this person is, and has been, is immaterial, as it will all come out in the wash.
Whoever ‘owns’ the construct when it is finally busted, will pay the full price…the apprehension of any other perp will be gravy.
What the account does now, and its stated or implied agenda, is important now.
The past will serve to illustrate what menacing threat this construct represents now.
Ciaran Goggins
SEPTEMBER 2, 2015 @ 3:29 PM
Good point Adeybob – I recall early on “Russell†used a Geordie slang term I had to look up. N.E origin?
SEPTEMBER 3, 2015 @ 1:07 AM
could be, man. Her ‘reign of terror’ on twitter was in a clipped bbc-english ‘accent’…the kind put on by wannabe aspirational middle-class gits. I still clench when I hear the term ‘little turd’.
I had the impression of public school, hockey sticks, etc.
Hard to tell…twitter can make analysis very elusive.
Comments continue on the original website.
* link added
The trolls funding a shamed coppers right to lie about Kate and Gerry McCann are a new level of weirdo.[omitted] they may have destroyed all hope for good.Talking up conspiracy theories is one thing.Wrecking the search for an abducted child is another.-The Sun
- Hael
- Posts: 20885
- Joined: Mon Aug 09, 2010 11:34 pm
Re: Sonia Poulton - clearly not what most call a real journa
And more mentions of Poulton if you could manage to wade through all the other
stuff ...

Sharon Zaki's profile photo
Sharon Zaki
Sep 12, 2014
Sharon Zaki commented on a video on YouTube.
Well all indicators are that Jane Russell and Janette Scharenborg are 'Outlaw' Jimmy Jones' sock puppets. Whatever this Janette said to me in previous emails can now be taken with a pinch of salt. I'll now quote the email exchange I had with 'her' yesterday:
Me: Do you think you could comment here re Jimmy Shill Chris Spivey's "arrest" debunkathon - Sharon Kilby, narrated by me I really hope you can set the record straight.
Janette: done, would you please remove that comment on your blog about me being responsible for the KEV GREEN BLOG, I did not set it up, nor have I put things on it. He calls it a hate site, all of it is the truth, and things he and his team have said.
Me: You say done, but I don't see your comment on Chris Spivey's "arrest" debunkathon - Sharon Kilby, narrated by me Re a comment you want me to remove, is it one that is on my site? Can you be more specific.
Janette: after many horrible comments from the said Jane Russell I had to remove it, my kids were going mental! here is that comment from Jones ... r_2013.php
[* inserted...
Hi Sharon,
I have just read your updated page when your link the source of my real name to
That blog was written by Janette Sharenborg and is purely a hate site, which is subject to both much ridicule and an ongoing police investigation as to it's personal content about people who merely question Janette Scharenborg's online activities.
As you have used that site as a point of reference for your 'conclusions' regarding myself being a 'Shill' I am afraid that I cannot see you as a credible truth seeker or indeed take anything you say seriously now.
You are welcome to put this email on your site as you did with the previous one, it may help to prove that at least one of your 'truths' is known to be an absolute lie..
With Regards
PS: It's very telling by the way, that none of you so-called 'researchers' have managed to get my name correct.. :-) ]
Me: Anything on my site is being said on here Chris Spivey's "arrest" debunkathon - Sharon Kilby, narrated by me by this 'Jane Russell'. Why are you not defending yourself on there? No point just telling me.
Janette: I do not want to waste my time or energy on Jane Russell or what ever name Helen is using, people who matter to me know the truth, those that dont know me, dont matter. These people are pure evil, I am involved with many on going cases at the moment I do not want innocent peoples court cases brought into jeopardy by these evil people. I myself have an ongoing case against Jones, I must not put that in jeopardy either. God Bless you my friend, remember that truth always destroys evil xx
Now, this Jane Russell refers to this Janette Scharenborg as my friend. Where does she get that idea? I said that Janette revealed information to me which she wanted to remain confidential. Actually there was no real information. 'She' contacted me on 26/11/13. Three days later 'she' sent me a long rambling email which was just hearsay and not something I paid much attention to. It was the type of stuff I'd seen on the blogs I refer to below. I can publish it now though, here, if anyone is interested. Anyway at the time I had no reason to believe that 'Janette' was not genuine. I certainly didn't think I was actually talking to Jimmy Shill. I thought nothing more about it ... until now.
There may well be a genuine Janette Scharenborg, but the person writing to me under that name is not genuine.
When this 'Jane Russell' popped up on here, I remembered the name from the Kev Green site and from the Scharenborg email. Jane Russell's link to the Daily Post article on Michael Jackson got my alarm bells ringing, as I could recall seeing on a popular David Icke forum that Jimmy Shill was trying to discredit me by referring to my MJ poem and I thought then that it was pathetic that he'd gone digging around for some dirt. On 7/4/2013 he says: Quote:
Posted by real_jimmyjones View Post
Does anybody know anything about Sharon Zaki, the 'truther' who is attempting to disprove the Hollie Greig story?
I am somewhat doubtful of her motives as she constantly fails to answer the simple question 'why were none of the suspects ever questioned by the police?'
She also continually accuses anyone who doubts her as being a 'Shill' at every opportunity, or an 'enabler' etc.. Very vocally.
I have asked to look into the validity of her theory so any input will be appreciated.... Cheers..
'Marny' replies: "Have come across that site before, always thought there was something not quite right with it. It's been going for some time . Just a gut feeling, beyond that ?
Her home page has hardly changed in years Sharon Ann Kilby ? "
*[link not working - page not found]
On the next page Marny adds: Quote:
A JUBILANT North Wales Michael Jackson fan yesterday said she never doubted the superstar's innocence.
Mum-of-four Sharon Ann Kilby posted a poem, dedicated to the singer after he was cleared of child s-e-x charges, on fan club websites.
The 43-year-old part-time cleaner from Colwyn Bay, along with thousands of fans, supported the pop star throughout the 16-week trial.
Thought I heard she was a Quaker before and this would account for it, Did you know. May have got that wrong as Jackson was a Jehovah Witness She certainly has some religious stuff on her site and the JW are more akin to the illuminati. So you could be right." ... &page=3058
Notice in the above email 'Janette' refers to Jane Russell as 'Helen'. In 'her' email to me back in November last year she says of Jane Russell "who we now know to be Jones' wife".
Perhaps I'll dig a little deeper into Jimmy's socks [oh God what a thought] when I get some time. Right now I'm too busy with other stuff, which includes working full time earning an honest living, unlike the trolls who work full time lying for a living. In the meantime see adeybob's comments here ... /#comments Also see adeybob's comments here [about halfway down] on Tom Pride's blog. [BTW one day I'll get around to proving that Tom Pride is as dodgy as f*ck too.] ... ment-30381 See also adey's "Bollocks to this. My name is Adrian…adeybob/monadtime" post, around 1/3 of way down. See also ... lupe-blog/
Let's just move away from 'He said/She said' malarkey for a minute. Let's just say, for argument's sake, that this Jane Russell is not Jimmy Shill. Let's assume she is an independent person. The fact that she supports C/O agents is enough to hang her - Sonia Poulton and Jimmy Jones for example. [She calls Jimmy her friend; says he's genuine and honest.] She makes wild unsubstantiated claims and doesn't answer the questions/address the points I made in my previous post. She doesn't even mention the relevant topic at hand here - the Spivey 'arrest' debunkathon. All she has in her armoury are lies, smears, insults and accusations. We can safely conclude that Jane Russell is a troll agitator, desperately trying to prevent the coming together of real truth soldiers.
Let's examine the 'Outlaw' Jimmy Jones. He is a stalwart Spiv supporter and a supporter of the Hollie Greig Justice gang and he links to other shills. He too doesn't substantiate his assertions, doesn't answer questions or respond to valid points. He's an agitator who trolls popular 'Truther' sites dedicating serious time unleashing character assassination on genuine speakers of truth in order to neutralise the voices of real opposition.
One final point, notice how this forum is not flooded with obvious trolls. Apart from the 'Pearly' troll, we have Spivey's mouthpiece Jimmy Shill, hiding under Jane Russell's skirts, Tom and myself. I have seen the comments section under numerous 'dangerous' truth videos whereby under the appearance of a number of people trading insults or drivel [when in reality there is often only one JWO sock behind all the fake identities], the voices of reason are drowned out; in effect censoring free speech. See an example of that here The reason this is not happening here is that the masonic controllers [Spiv and his handlers] do not want the Jane Russell puppet drowned out.
Just as I was about to post this I notice Jimmy Troll in person is on board. Afternoon Jimmy. Wow, I think you need to lie down in a darkened room and take a chill pill. I think you've just sent your blood pressure through the roof.
Video - Chris Spivey's "arrest" debunkathon - Sharon Kilby, narrated by me.
The following comments are the ones I copy/pasted on 15/9/14 from
the comments section under Tom Cahill’s narration of my Spivey
‘illegal arrest’ debunkathon
Unfortunately a comment from Jimmy, whereby he was being a cry-baby, ranting
and blaming me for putting his family at risk had by this time
disappeared. I have deleted other irrelevant comments.
Sharon Zaki 4 days ago
Didn't take long for Spiv's trolls to join us, did it 'Outlaw' Jimmy Shill
[Royden James Jones]. Who is Jane Russell, your sockpuppet? ... my_Jones_S
eptember_2013.php ... ou-ask-me/
Jane Russell 3 days ago
I am not a shill or any of your other nonsense Sharon. I am a friend of
Jimmy Jones, mainly because I have been a witness for him against the
targeted attacks on him for 2 years. Prior to just trying to do the right
thing & stand by a person I easily worked out was genuine, I did not
know Jimmy or his family at all.
I have explained this to Tom above. Unlike you, I am not a liar who goes
around calling everyone shill because they rumble your insane lies,
because unlike you, I have more than 1 brain cell to rub together. I have
no affiliation with Chris Spivey. I have a mind of my own thanks. I have
my own theories about some of these people, because I research the
info and find the contradictions on what they have said, according to
your insane theories, half the bloody planet is an MI5 shill.
I am a nobody, nothing and nor do I want to be in the new age 'Fame
Seekers Truth Movement' - Just a woman who witnessed something
really wrong & tried to do the right thing to help someone. I am just
setting the story straight with the truth, which sadly seems to be a
concept you don't understand. This is my real name, I use a photo of the
actress, due to being dragged into this nightmare, purely for standing up
for a man who I saw was clearly being picked out for abuse - as a
witness in Op P.
I have left a comment for Tom. As I say, unlike you, I am not trying to
manipulate anyones point of view about certain people. Tom is free to
look into what I have said and to make up his own mind.
And touting a woman who is alleged to be the ex wife of a p**do, whose
own kids won't have a bar of her, who tries to force people to watch her
p**do clip collection. I'd take a big long look in the mirror if I were you
Sharon. No MJ pun intended.
Show less
Jane Russell 3 days ago
By the way Sharon, this is Janette Scharenborgs brother. She was
telling everyone she had cut all ties with him, until we discovered some
recent happy snaps of her with him. Also in thick with McKenzie and
McNeil - Sabine even touts her as a credible anti CSA campaigner -
Show less
Tom Cahill 3 days ago
Who is Janette Scharenborg?
Jane Russell 3 days ago
And this is Janette Scharenborgs little mate - also the mate of the Ex Lib
Dem who was sent my private email asking for The Lib Dems help to
stop all these people, by his current Lib Dem mate illegally , It ended up
on Scharenbprg and Lavertys hate sites.
Hopefully this will give Tom a clearer idea of what I am talking about and
why I have felt it necessary to challenge his use of you as a credible
source Sharon.
No pressure, but a retraction about Jimmy Jones would be appreciated
Tom, he really is a decent person as are his wife and kids and they have
suffered enough abuse from shysters like Sharon and her 'credible'
Thanks. :) ... n-laverty/
Show less
Jane Russell 3 days ago
Read my replies to Sharon Kilby (Zaki) Tom - also if you look her name
up on Jimmy Jones blog, (Scharenborg) you will learn a lot more about
her and hopefully avoid her like the plague. I have posted a couple of
links up too, which hopefully will help you understand where I am coming
I also forgot to mention that Ex Lib Dem Councillor & Laverty faked a
comment Jimmy Jones had posted on Ex Lib Dems blog- they changed
it to say something completely different and they had him falsely
arrested for it - worried that we'd worked out their scam - it took plod 7
months to find the comment was a dud - and to drop all charges against
Jimmy J.
The abuse on Twitter continues. Incidentally, Scharenborg (who for the
last 2 years has claimed to have terminal cancer and that she would be
dead by Christmas, but has miraculously recovered New Year) goes by
the name of @Trying_hard @just_standing2 ·on Twitter - although she
has many dud accounts, as do her gang.
By: Sabine Kurjo McNeill
13 January 2013 11:18
Dear Paul Your writing is excellent and your experiences are horrific.
THANK YOU SO MUCH for sharing your story. I have not come across
many emotional and psychiatric ordeals so far, but pain can NOT be
compared, and there's no point in 'my story is worse than yours'. What
matters is "we only have each other". Complaining to people who are
'only doing their job' doesn't work as you describe so well. They seem to
be picked to be their job 'well', i.e. NOT to deliver what is says on the tin.
There is a great survivor on Twitter called Janette Scharenborg
@schar53. For victims become SURVIVORS of emotional and sexual
abuse and STARFIGHTERS and CAMPAIGNERS when they stand their
ground in courts after having suffered other white collar crimes. Yes, it's
a terrible world. BUT we have one another online where we can find
likeminded folk more easily than in the streets. GO FOR IT! And think,
maybe, about making your home page visually attractive in addition to
providing the links! You DESERVE to show your artwork off and be
proud of it!!! Sabine
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Jane Russell 3 days ago
Sorry, this is so long & that I keep adding details - that Kev Green blog
was set up by Scharenborg On Jimmy Jones (aka The Outlaw) website,
there is a copy of an email The Scharenborg sent to a woman admitting
to setting it up with the help of another nutter called Paul Rogers, who
was part of the GANDALF trials in the early 90's (Green Anarchists &
Animal Liberation Front) - Rogers was let off mid way through trial much
to everyones surprise, by a Judge named Selwood who was later
arrested for p**do offences.
Rogers also has 2 MI5 witnesses at his trial - 1 was David Shayler - who
I'm sure you must have heard of - the bloke who stuck a couple of socks
in a saggy bra and called himself Dolores for a while. Belinda McKenzie
was also his ex Landlady..
BLOG ... /20131022-
203115.jpg?w=627 7%3B523 ... /20131022-
Scharenborg has been asked to remove the blog as it is pure hate site,
thus far the evil old crone has ignored the request.
Hopefully that's enough to show you what I mean about Sharons
'credible sources' & the type of people she is fond of backing.
Gojam by the way is Ex Lib Dem Councillor Jonathan Sawyer, who I
have seen mercilessly abuse genuine abuse survivors, but who has
backed all these nutters as part of his team in the guise of a genuine anti
CSA supporter - he is the 1 the current Lib Dem illegally sent my email
to - he was also in cahoots with Chris Fay money launderer, ex Social
Worker/Councillor - Fay says he and another Lib Dem John Oakes
made the Mary Moss list back in the day. He co wrote for Gojams blog
and they were responsible for spreading the list all over the www.
I could write a bloody book about these snakes - but that should be all
you need to be able to check that I am no liar and that Kilby/Zaki is
about as credible as an ashtray on a motorbike.
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Tom Cahill 3 days ago
I know most of this already. I only have limited time. I keep getting
messages from the tem over and over, and it's clear that they're very
scared. People like you have told me lots of stuff before, but now there's
way more, and they know they're history.
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Jane Russell 2 days ago
You will be plagued by them now I'm afraid Tom. They are a vile bunch
of beasts. Kilby/Zaki slates McKenzie, but as you can see from what I
posted, her friend Scharenborg is in thick with Sabine McNeil &
McKenzie - so I kind of made her look a fool by pointing that out -
rendering her an idiot in the process I think. Any man who can cause
the worst injuries a surgeon has ever seen to a woman or anyone is
utter scum in my book and any relative that continues to suck up to and
support a bastard like that is no one to listen to - and touting p**do clips
to vulnerable women - I despise that old hag I really do!
I think that the empire of con men/women will crumble very soon. ;)
Thank you for at least listening Tom, you have been nothing but polite to
me, even though we haven't agreed on everything, you've not resorted
to calling me all the names under the sun. I appreciate that. I also
recognise that as soon as you say anything, you instantly get abuse,
which is a very familiar tactic used by all these people.
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Tom Cahill 2 days ago
P·oos might smell, but they can't acquire voting rights. They can make
as much smell as they want, and I'll still flush them. It's out of their
hands and each day that they kick up stink, I get more people showing
me more stuff. This foray into ripping off victims of abuse and all the rest
will not go unpunished.
Sharon Zaki 2 days ago
Well all indicators are that Jane Russell and Janette Scharenborg are
'Outlaw' Jimmy Jones' sock puppets. Whatever this Janette said to me
in previous emails can now be taken with a pinch of salt. I'll now quote
the email exchange I had with 'her' yesterday:
Me: Do you think you could comment here re Jimmy Shill Chris Spivey's
"arrest" debunkathon - Sharon Kilby, narrated by me I really hope you
can set the record straight.
Janette: done, would you please remove that comment on your blog
about me being responsible for the KEV GREEN BLOG, I did not set it
up, nor have I put things on it. He calls it a hate site, all of it is the truth,
and things he and his team have said.
Me: You say done, but I don't see your comment on Chris Spivey's
"arrest" debunkathon - Sharon Kilby, narrated by me Re a comment you
want me to remove, is it one that is on my site? Can you be more
Janette: after many horrible comments from the said Jane Russell I had
to remove it, my kids were going mental! here is that comment from
Jones ... 8th_Septem
Me: Anything on my site is being said on here Chris Spivey's "arrest"
debunkathon - Sharon Kilby, narrated by me by this 'Jane Russell'. Why
are you not defending yourself on there? No point just telling me.
Janette: I do not want to waste my time or energy on Jane Russell or
what ever name Helen is using, people who matter to me know the truth,
those that dont know me, dont matter. These people are pure evil, I am
involved with many on going cases at the moment I do not want innocent
peoples court cases brought into jeopardy by these evil people. I myself
have an ongoing case against Jones, I must not put that in jeopardy
either. God Bless you my friend, remember that truth always destroys
evil xx
Now, this Jane Russell refers to this Janette Scharenborg as my friend.
Where does she get that idea? I said that Janette revealed information
to me which she wanted to remain confidential. Actually there was no
real information. 'She' contacted me on 26/11/13. Three days later 'she'
sent me a long rambling email which was just hearsay and not
something I paid much attention to. It was the type of stuff I'd seen on
the blogs I refer to below. I can publish it now though, here, if anyone is
interested. Anyway at the time I had no reason to believe that 'Janette'
was not genuine. I certainly didn't think I was actually talking to Jimmy
Shill. I thought nothing more about it ... until now.
There may well be a genuine Janette Scharenborg, but the person
writing to me under that name is not genuine.
When this 'Jane Russell' popped up on here, I remembered the name
from the Kev Green site and from the Scharenborg email. Jane
Russell's link to the Daily Post article on Michael Jackson got my alarm
bells ringing, as I could recall seeing on a popular David Icke forum that
Jimmy Shill was trying to discredit me by referring to my MJ poem and I
thought then that it was pathetic that he'd gone digging around for some
dirt. On 7/4/2013, Posted by real_jimmyjones: “Does anybody know
anything about Sharon Zaki, the 'truther' who is attempting to disprove
the Hollie Greig story?
I am somewhat doubtful of her motives as she constantly fails to answer
the simple question 'why were none of the suspects ever questioned by
the police?'
She also continually accuses anyone who doubts her as being a 'Shill' at
every opportunity, or an 'enabler' etc.. Very vocally.
I have asked to look into the validity of her theory so any input will be
appreciated.... Cheers..â€
'Marny' replies: "Have come across that site before, always thought
there was something not quite right with it. It's been going for some time
. Just a gut feeling, beyond that ?
Her home page has hardly changed in years Sharon Ann Kilby ? "
On the next page Marny adds: “A JUBILANT North Wales Michael
Jackson fan yesterday said she never doubted the superstar's
Mum-of-four Sharon Ann Kilby posted a poem, dedicated to the singer
after he was cleared of child s-e-x charges, on fan club websites.
The 43-year-old part-time cleaner from Colwyn Bay, along with
thousands of fans, supported the pop star throughout the 16-week trial.
Thought I heard she was a Quaker before and this would account for it,
Did you know. May have got that wrong as Jackson was a Jehovah
Witness She certainly has some religious stuff on her site and the JW
are more akin to the illuminati. So you could be right.â€ ... &page=3058
Notice in the above email 'Janette' refers to Jane Russell as 'Helen'. In
'her' email to me back in November last year she says of Jane Russell
"who we now know to be Jones' wife".
Perhaps I'll dig a little deeper into Jimmy's socks [oh God what a
thought] when I get some time. Right now I'm too busy with other stuff,
which includes working full time earning an honest living, unlike the trolls
who work full time lying for a living. In the meantime see adeybob's
comments here ... /#comments
Also see adeybob's comments here [about halfway
down] on Tom Pride's blog. [BTW one day I'll get around to proving that
Tom Pride is as dodgy as f*ck too.] ... ment-30381
See also adey's "Bollocks to this. My name is
Adrian…adeybob/monadtime" post, around 1/3 of way down. See
Let's just move away from 'He said/She said' malarkey for a minute.
Let's just say, for argument's sake, that this Jane Russell is not Jimmy
Shill. Let's assume she is an independent person. The fact that she
supports C/O agents is enough to hang her - Sonia Poulton and Jimmy
Jones for example. [She calls Jimmy her friend; says he's genuine and
honest.] She makes wild unsubstantiated claims and doesn't answer the
questions/address the points I made in my previous post. She doesn't
even mention the relevant topic at hand here - the Spivey 'arrest'
debunkathon. All she has in her armoury are lies, smears, insults and
accusations. We can safely conclude that Jane Russell is a troll
agitator, desperately trying to prevent the coming together of real
truth soldiers.
Let's examine the 'Outlaw' Jimmy Jones. He is a stalwart Spiv supporter
and a supporter of the Hollie Greig Justice gang and he links to other
shills. He too doesn't substantiate his assertions, doesn't answer
questions or respond to valid points. He's an agitator who trolls
popular 'Truther' sites dedicating serious time unleashing
character assassination on genuine speakers of truth in order to
neutralise the voices of real opposition.
One final point, notice how this forum is not flooded with obvious trolls.
Apart from the 'Pearly' troll, we have Spivey's mouthpiece Jimmy Shill,
hiding under Jane Russell's skirts, Tom and myself. I have seen the
comments section under numerous 'dangerous' truth videos whereby
under the appearance of a number of people trading insults or drivel
[when in reality there is often only one JWO sock behind all the fake
identities], the voices of reason are drowned out; in effect censoring free
speech. See an example of that here The reason this is
not happening here is that the masonic controllers [Spiv and his
handlers] do not want the Jane Russell puppet drowned out.
Just as I was about to post this I notice Jimmy Troll in person is on
board. Afternoon Jimmy. Wow, I think you need to lie down in a
darkened room and take a chill pill. I think you've just sent your blood
pressure through the roof.
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Jane Russell 1 day ago
Dear oh lore! So you are not Janettes friend but you promote her
website and call Jimmy a shill which is off it's head for starters &
continue to spread around Scharenborgs lies? Absolutely bonkers & I
think people can see that it is very wise to steer well clear of you too.
Then you pay us the biggest insult by saying Scharenborg is one of us!!!
Then you carry on linking your 'facts' to the Kev Green website, which is
Janette Scharenborg and her gang of fruit loops creation?? Do you not
see how ridiculous you are making yourself look?? Obviously not, but
I'm sure everyone else can.
I quite clearly stated that the reason I responded to this video was
because lies had been spoken about Jimmy Jones & I wanted to make
Tom aware of the TRUE facts. Perhaps if you read properly, you
wouldn't miss out vital statements that make you look a fool..
If Tom had read your lies about Jimmy on any other of his clips about
anyone else, I would be replying under those instead, so Chris Spivey is
irrelevant to why I spoke up.
I'm not sure how many times I have to say these things, clearly some
people are far too thick to understand - I am not Jimmys wife, nor any
relative of him or any of his family. Nor am I a woman named Susan
Melrose who Scharenborg and her little friend (who incidentally was her
sworn enemy up until the end of last year when they suddenly became
the best of friends) are calling a 'slut' all over Twitter & are professing is
me, ditto Sheva Burton, nor am I a Professional Mental Health Care
worker that they are also saying is me & calling all the names under the
sun on Twitter. I can't be all of these people can I? Is that too difficult
for your small mind to comprehend?
Nor am I Jimmy himself or any other person they have come up with in
their clearly off their head insane ramblings.
Nor am I MI5, C/O, or any other mental minded tag you or any of the
other lunatics have tried to label me with. Absolute craziness like I've
never seen!
I think it must be quite clear to anyone who is talking absolute insane
rubbish & it certainly isn't me or Jimmy Jones, who has quite eloquently
said his piece about these raving lunatics that have plagued him for 2
Perhaps you should forward those emails to the North Wales Police that
you received from Janette, Sharon, they know all about her, including
her penchant for trying to force vulnerable women to watch her p**do
clip collection, as it is further proof of that womans continual campaign to
spread lies and hatred about this man and his family and to constantly
spread her insane ramblings around the www for her sick kicks. They
have quite a collection of her lies about Jimmy and his family, myself
and others, but you have just provided more proof that she continues her
tirade. Thanks for that.
I believe Janettes partner in crime was hauled in by the Police again in
the last couple of days & warned yet again not to continue to spread his
vile lies and abuse about Jimmy and his family- not content with being
recently convicted of an offence against Jimmy and his family, Janettes
friend decided it was a good idea to continue his venomous and vicious
attacks on Twitter against this man & was told in no uncertain terms that
he would be arrested every time he did.
Somehow, I'm sure that will make little difference to a man who feels he
is untouchable and above the law. A spell in prison would be a better
resolution I feel.
I will not be entering any further communication with you Sharon, and
should you start spouting lies and vile untrue things around the www
about me or Jimmy & his family, they'll be going straight off to NWP too,
along with your connection to Scharenborg i.e. touting her nonsense and
lies on your blog, here and anywhere else you decide to spout off on,
because I am sick to death of you idiots & it's high time you were
So just wind your neck in eh Sharon, or you could find yourself next to
get a knock from the Police & I know they are pretty sick of the constant
lies from liars like you and your friend Janette and co & having to waste
their precious time dealing with people who continually plague others
and try to make others lives a misery, just like theirs must be.
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Sharon Zaki 3 days ago
Janette Scharenborg revealed information to me which she asked me to
keep confidential. All I can say is that Jimmy Jones/Jane Russell are
connected. I have mailed Janette and asked her if she is able to
comment here to set the record straight.
Everything I have to say about Jimmy Shill is on my W-O-S Scroll down to
about half way to the bit on Spivey.
Kilby is the site domain name. My name changed to Zaki when I
remarried back in 2007.
"Apparently she has reported everyone from the Wombles to MI5 to the
police for spying on her. I think she is fairly well known to her local cop
shop for making strange accusations against people." Really? Crikey
Jimmy Shill, you must be desperate to resort to this. Provide some
"As for Sharon Kilby also touts the sister of a drug rapist caught with
p.a.e.d.o.philia who also tries to force vulnerable women to watch her
p**do clip collection." Explain what that's supposed to mean and
provide some evidence.
As for Sonia Poulton, I've said all I need to on the site. Jon of the HG
hoax group has exposed her entirely
What is 'Jane Russell' doing to expose the 'wrong uns'? Where is your
Why do you spend time trying to dig the dirt on me? All you could come
up with was something I wrote in support of Michael Jackson nearly 10
years ago. I've moved on since then. Back then I was naive - didn't
know Bono/Geldof were controlled opposition agents. Didn't know what
controlled opposition was. Why do you feel the need to try to discredit
me? Trolls do that.
Why don't you spend time instead studying my debunkathon and
pointing out where I'm wrong.
I do not know whether or not Gojam is genuine.
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Jane Russell 3 days ago
As I explained to you, Jimmy and I became friends after Scharenborg &
her gang of stalking abusers started a full on targeted campaign against
Jimmy Jones. I have made statements to the Police and Pallial. Prior to
that, I didn't know him or his family. Just a mere bystander witnessing
these freaks who felt it was the right thing to do to stand up for this man,
his wife and children. Despite the nightmare it has been, mostly for them
of course, hellish in fact, but for me and anyone who has dared stand up
to these vile bastards, I am very glad I did. That means they are less
likely to be able to do it to anyone else.
I don't want to hear anything that evil old compulsive liar has to say, I
have heard enough lies to last me a life time with that woman - pure evil.
Anything she says will be a lie. Jimmys blog has done a fine job
documenting all the things she and her band of cronies have done. The
links I posted about some of her 'friends' should be enough to tell a brain
dead donkey what she is all about, so if you can't see it, then you really
are beyond hope. Any friend of Scharenborg is definitely no one I want
any association with. ... -think-so/ ... er-2485819 ... e.politics ... z2k0WuJu7W
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Sharon Zaki 21 hours ago
The Kev Green site and therefore Scharenborg [whoever she is - if she
actually does exist] is irrelevant. I've clearly spelt out why Jimmy Jones
[Royden James Jones] is a shill and why Jane Russell is a troll. Jane
may be Jimmy's friend or his sock puppet - again that's irrelevant. Noone
needs 'sources' to pull apart the Spivey 'illegal arrest' story.
Why is Jimmy and his Jane not concerned that the influential Troofer -
the leading on-line researcher, Chris Spivey, has been thoroughly
exposed as an utter fraud? If either of you two [assuming Jane is a
person] were genuine and honest you would be going on Spivey's
boards, asking him lots of questions and putting a link to this video.
Moreover you would not be slandering me with your lies and desperate
pathetic attempts to discredit me. And you would not be threatening me.
Tom is intelligent enough to figure out for himself who the genuine truth
soldiers are. And there are VERY FEW of us; hence why we're all sitting
ducks, on the receiving end of some serious troll abuse. In answer to
the question, who is NOT a cointelpro agent, well, for starters, anyone
who is seriously exposing the Hollie Greig Hoax [i.e. the Hollie Hoax
group and supporters] and anyone who is serious about exposing other
controlled opposition agents [not the 'big guns' as they're already
thoroughly debunked; the smaller fry]. The other genuine freedom
fighters are those who are exposing, with evidence, corruption within the
As for the comment that Tom will be plagued by trolls, that's about the
only truthful statement I've heard from the trolls on this thread. ALL of
Tom's videos will be commented on by, in the main, TROLLS. Why?
Because he has the knowledge, the evidence, the brains, the balls and
the 'know how' to do some serious damage to you disgusting pieces of
filth that infect our planet. His inbox and private messaging service will
almost certainly be contaminated by troll mail too.
The fact that Jimmy and his Jane are reacting this way is very revealing.
Spivey, Jimmy and the rest of Spiv's troll team are very worried.
Below is an email that I received from Jimmy Shill. Anything he wishes
to say can be stated on this public forum. Well, that is for as long as
Tom tolerates trolls.
If you wish to continue your campaign of harrassment and lies against
me, please do me the courtesy of at least getting your facts right.
Some FACTS for you:
Scharenborg is real she lives in Beltrum, Holland as one of the the
attached images shows her details.
She is a compulsive liar who attacks me simply because I published an
article about her brother being convicted and imprisoned for ten years
for a 'Date rape' attack which left an unfortunate woman needing a
colostomy bag.
He was also arrested for being in possession of pornographic images of
what were alleged to be minors.
I do not know the outcome of that.
She alleges that her brother is innocent.
She has, with others made many, many false allegations against myself
and my family, which are also being dealt with by the NWP.
All can be checked and confirmed if you could be bothered to research
simple facts.
Another fact is that one of Janette's troll mates Darren Laverty, who also
made false allegations against me was recently convicted at Llandudno
Magistrates Court for stalking and Harrassing my family.
On the 24th of July I believe.
As a matter of interest, he was arrested again on the 13th of this month
by NWP at his address in Anglesey for publishing yet more lies and
threats against me.
Once again all a matter of public record and easily checked.
The attached images also shows an email that Scharenborg sent to
somebody admitting she set up the Kevin Green 'The Man behind the
Mask' blog, which you use a reference to quote from, and is one which
both the North Wales Police and the Dutch police are in the process of
trying to get removed.
I notice she is now saying that it was not her, which is yet another lie.
We have a solicitor acting on our behalf to stop this group of trolls from
Harrassing, stalking and spreading malicious and libellous comments
about myself and my family.
Jane Russell is also a real person, she is not my wife Helen, who
incidentally is in constant touch with both our solicitor and the NWP in
regard to this campaign which you have now appeared to have joined.
Again, the NWP are only too aware that Jane Russell is a real person as
she has also made a statement to them and a written one to her her
local force, regarding Scharenborg and Laverty's attacks on her.
Again, all checkable and a matter of public record.
Where is your evidence that shows that my wife is in any way involved
with this?
Where is your evidence that I support the Hollie Grieg Justice
I would have nothing to do with any campaign that involves Belinda
McKenzie, Gerrish, Maloney or any of the other idiots that have attached
themselves to it.
the fact that I have not publicly stated any of this, is that I simply do not
have enough evidence to prove it.
I have had nothing to do with Chris Spivey for a while apart from the odd
comment on his site, so once again your observations are either simply
out of date or you you are so blinded by your hatred of me you just
cannot see past that.
I am also sending a copy of this email to our solicitor, the officer who is
dealing with this current investigation in the North Wales Police and
Sonia Poulton who is keeping a log of everything on my behalf.
So you can publish this in any way you want, but please include that I
have no wish to have any further contact with you, and will of course be
taking any necessary legal steps against you to protect my family should
you continue to publish both blatant lies and unsubstantiated rumours
about me.
Sent from my iPad
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Keith Zero 13 hours ago
Yeah some people have suspected Spiv; for sometime now! But his 'so
called' arrest has only highlighted his agency connections. Funny; he
gets a call from Beloney; then gets arrested/computers removed the
following week!!
Beloney has to be the key change agent here! But who's his controller?
Certainly open to speculation.
Tom Cahill 10 hours ago
Baloney's higher up the food chain. Did you see the photos of him, Ben
Fellows and Michael Doherty? There's another one with BF and MD
doing Masonic handshakes as well---a definite Masonic one.
Pearly Schrott 5 days ago
Why did you do this video? You can't even talk and what can be heard
makes no sense at all.
Tom Cahill 5 days ago
You might be saying something, but none of your comments make any
sense to me.
Jimmy Jones 2 days ago
mai mee bpunhaa
Tom Cahill 1 hour ago
cap cum a cap
Ricky Berg 4 days ago
Is anyone NOT a shill or fraud, apart from you of course? Is there
anyone at all?
Tom Cahill 2 days ago
Almost all of them are being paid I'm afraid. This is where the massive
intelligence budget goes---on dumbing down the public. Only, it seems
that some of these are freelance conmen.
Deep Six 2 days ago
That's a bit of an oxymoron.. intelligence budget doesn't appear to have
to be too big to dumb down most people nowadays, it seems to come
perfectly natural to the majority!!
Tom Cahill 2 days ago
meant to say counter intelligence, but when I come to think of it, whilst
the "counter" denotes a countering another intelligence, it does remove
the obvious irony, that they like to use morons and people with lacking
personalities for this. It does make it more subject to ambiguity and
confusion though.
Keep paying attention. You're going to see some unpleasantness
coming from me shortly. I am going to get these lot on the run, and the
example I'm going to make is going to reverberate up the food chain.
Show less
Pearly Schrott 5 days ago
Also, you have yet lot to learn, as your mouth is about three minutes
behind what you say. If you want this in sync without equipment: SPEAK
The trolls funding a shamed coppers right to lie about Kate and Gerry McCann are a new level of weirdo.[omitted] they may have destroyed all hope for good.Talking up conspiracy theories is one thing.Wrecking the search for an abducted child is another.-The Sun
- Hael
- Posts: 20885
- Joined: Mon Aug 09, 2010 11:34 pm
Re: Sonia Poulton - clearly not what most call a real journa
The trolls funding a shamed coppers right to lie about Kate and Gerry McCann are a new level of weirdo.[omitted] they may have destroyed all hope for good.Talking up conspiracy theories is one thing.Wrecking the search for an abducted child is another.-The Sun
- Posts: 12150
- Joined: Thu Jun 23, 2011 10:46 pm
Re: Sonia Poulton - clearly not what most call a real journa
Rogério Alves says claims made by Gonçalo Amaral are a 'waste of time'
- catkins
- Posts: 31922
- Joined: Thu Jan 28, 2010 9:08 pm
Re: Sonia Poulton - clearly not what most call a real journa
What an absolute fantasist Screech is............
I guess I'll hold up the Popcorn order.

I guess I'll hold up the Popcorn order.
Madeleine McCann- Abducted May 2007 from Praia Da Luz, Algarve, Portugal.
DCI Redwood of Scotland Yard - stated that Madeleine could still be found - alive. ... ign?_rdr=p
DCI Redwood of Scotland Yard - stated that Madeleine could still be found - alive. ... ign?_rdr=p
- Alibongo
- Posts: 19057
- Joined: Sat Mar 19, 2011 11:18 pm
Re: Sonia Poulton - clearly not what most call a real journa

Sonia is such a scream!!
Parent-blaming is all-too-common these days, and usually the point is to make other parents feel better about their own parenting skills
- urcrazy
- Posts: 15296
- Joined: Sun Mar 20, 2011 6:33 pm
Re: Sonia Poulton - clearly not what most call a real journa
media personality Katie Hopkins who has become famous for making bigoted and sensational comments.Â
 Dave Eden, a former whistle-blowing cop,
(Beloved of UKColumn and other fringe conspiracy sites, and possibly one of the most boring men alive)
a failed politician who is responsible for a misinformation blog about child abuse
This man was briefly a LibDem councillor and his blog has a wide readership Â
TVF and everyone else who walked away - they were intrigued by her sales pitch but appalled by the actual item.
It isn't them, it isn't the McCanns, it's the swivel eyed loon that thought she could make a real film about a real subject, and found it all a jolly sight harder than she ever imagined..
And despite dumping the partner who turned out to be a thuggish embarrassment, she still can't find a taker.

 Dave Eden, a former whistle-blowing cop,
(Beloved of UKColumn and other fringe conspiracy sites, and possibly one of the most boring men alive)
a failed politician who is responsible for a misinformation blog about child abuse
This man was briefly a LibDem councillor and his blog has a wide readership Â
TVF and everyone else who walked away - they were intrigued by her sales pitch but appalled by the actual item.
It isn't them, it isn't the McCanns, it's the swivel eyed loon that thought she could make a real film about a real subject, and found it all a jolly sight harder than she ever imagined..
And despite dumping the partner who turned out to be a thuggish embarrassment, she still can't find a taker.
Scotland Yard detectives believe Madeleine was abducted in "a criminal act by a stranger"
No Janine you poor deluded muppet, I am NOT John Lowe.
And neither, thankfully, are you.
No Janine you poor deluded muppet, I am NOT John Lowe.
And neither, thankfully, are you.
- urcrazy
- Posts: 15296
- Joined: Sun Mar 20, 2011 6:33 pm
Re: Sonia Poulton - clearly not what most call a real journa
Not seen that before Sal, thanks.
Does it ever occur to that ridiculous woman that the reason she is being dropped and failing to find financial backers is because people Google her and realise she's a feckin nutter???
The wonder is she gets ANY work - certainly anyone who has supported the Holly Greig hoax and the Hampstead nonsense has proved they have no intelligence and acumen at all.
Scotland Yard detectives believe Madeleine was abducted in "a criminal act by a stranger"
No Janine you poor deluded muppet, I am NOT John Lowe.
And neither, thankfully, are you.
No Janine you poor deluded muppet, I am NOT John Lowe.
And neither, thankfully, are you.
- Hael
- Posts: 20885
- Joined: Mon Aug 09, 2010 11:34 pm
Re: Sonia Poulton - clearly not what most call a real journa
What's this then? Looks like (the tone also indicates) it was written all in one day. Is this a 'me me me poor me' notes for plans to write a book - Poor ME and How I Was Targeted By The McCann Supporters. How My Pitchfork Was Turned On Me Or The Truth of the Porkie Pies.
She is so stressed and tired and full of crap. Can't we Go Fund Me her a holiday at some far FAR FAR away resort that does intensive colon cleansing?
The trolls funding a shamed coppers right to lie about Kate and Gerry McCann are a new level of weirdo.[omitted] they may have destroyed all hope for good.Talking up conspiracy theories is one thing.Wrecking the search for an abducted child is another.-The Sun
- catkins
- Posts: 31922
- Joined: Thu Jan 28, 2010 9:08 pm
Re: Sonia Poulton - clearly not what most call a real journa
I have no sympathy for her......she was told that she was being fed Myths and Lies by trolls....but did she do any proper research herself ?........NO !!!
If she had bothered to read the Files, check all the statements, read the Forensics Report and Attorney Generals Final Report.....she would have quickly realised that she was being fed absolute nonsense by her new best mwah mwah fwends...........
What a lazy mare and an idiot no wonder those that needed to check her out..........googled her and backed away at warp speed.
If she had bothered to read the Files, check all the statements, read the Forensics Report and Attorney Generals Final Report.....she would have quickly realised that she was being fed absolute nonsense by her new best mwah mwah fwends...........

What a lazy mare and an idiot no wonder those that needed to check her out..........googled her and backed away at warp speed.

Madeleine McCann- Abducted May 2007 from Praia Da Luz, Algarve, Portugal.
DCI Redwood of Scotland Yard - stated that Madeleine could still be found - alive. ... ign?_rdr=p
DCI Redwood of Scotland Yard - stated that Madeleine could still be found - alive. ... ign?_rdr=p
- Rob1
- Posts: 4081
- Joined: Fri Jul 08, 2011 1:16 am
Re: Sonia Poulton - clearly not what most call a real journa
I agree that this diary seems to be written all at once and probably immediately before it published.
Sonia Poulton dishonestly does not make clear that for most of the time, her 'attackers' were the anti Mccann. Those people she chose to represent were her biggest critics. All egos fighting against each other and making accusations when they disagree. She wants people to think like she is the victim 'poor me', but I think the woman is aggressive and nasty. It is a good thing that her nasty tweets and threats to 'doorstep' with camera team are all on record.
The bit about staying in Brenda's hotel and making suggestions of disturbance of sleep is horrible. There is no purpose to that action other than to make the film 'sensational'. it is sick to use Brenda in this way and very disrespectful to her family who do not want the intrusions. They all use her as a weapon to achieve personal, sick agendas. It is understandable why these people are excluded from her memorials.
Katie Hopkins seems to be a person who makes her money from getting attention in any way possible. She does not appear to have genuine causes, just speaking out offensively to gain attention. It seems to me that she does not contribute to society in a good way, but only as some shallow entertainment. If she is getting attention, she will earn a lot of money, but it seems that she is untalented and can only do this in an offensive way. Like some comedians rely on crudeness and unkindness to extract laughter, there is no skill or talent required other than an ability to say these things boldly. Each time Katie H offends, she must increase the level of shock, otherwise people will get bored of her act.
It is a shame for her family that she must earn her living by being cruel towards people who are disadvantaged or (like K+G) grieving. But she can only succeed with a willing audience. If people protest, then this is also attention.
Perhaps K+G will sue and I hope this. She attacked them without checking that her accusations were true and they are not. If someone is going to stand up and shout a big fuss about something, it is important to get the facts correct. Katie H did not and this makes her look very foolish. 'I am attacking the Mccanns because they did .... and I think this is terrible and they must explain themselves...' is only an embarrassment if K+G never did what she accuses and it was only a false media story that was fabricated from rumer.
Sonia Poulton dishonestly does not make clear that for most of the time, her 'attackers' were the anti Mccann. Those people she chose to represent were her biggest critics. All egos fighting against each other and making accusations when they disagree. She wants people to think like she is the victim 'poor me', but I think the woman is aggressive and nasty. It is a good thing that her nasty tweets and threats to 'doorstep' with camera team are all on record.
The bit about staying in Brenda's hotel and making suggestions of disturbance of sleep is horrible. There is no purpose to that action other than to make the film 'sensational'. it is sick to use Brenda in this way and very disrespectful to her family who do not want the intrusions. They all use her as a weapon to achieve personal, sick agendas. It is understandable why these people are excluded from her memorials.
Katie Hopkins seems to be a person who makes her money from getting attention in any way possible. She does not appear to have genuine causes, just speaking out offensively to gain attention. It seems to me that she does not contribute to society in a good way, but only as some shallow entertainment. If she is getting attention, she will earn a lot of money, but it seems that she is untalented and can only do this in an offensive way. Like some comedians rely on crudeness and unkindness to extract laughter, there is no skill or talent required other than an ability to say these things boldly. Each time Katie H offends, she must increase the level of shock, otherwise people will get bored of her act.
It is a shame for her family that she must earn her living by being cruel towards people who are disadvantaged or (like K+G) grieving. But she can only succeed with a willing audience. If people protest, then this is also attention.
Perhaps K+G will sue and I hope this. She attacked them without checking that her accusations were true and they are not. If someone is going to stand up and shout a big fuss about something, it is important to get the facts correct. Katie H did not and this makes her look very foolish. 'I am attacking the Mccanns because they did .... and I think this is terrible and they must explain themselves...' is only an embarrassment if K+G never did what she accuses and it was only a false media story that was fabricated from rumer.
Hope is important because it can make the present moment less difficult to bear. If we believe that tomorrow will be better, we can bear a hardship today. Thich Nhat Hanh
- catkins
- Posts: 31922
- Joined: Thu Jan 28, 2010 9:08 pm
Re: Sonia Poulton - clearly not what most call a real journa
Spot on re Poulton Rob.
And re Hopkins... Each time Katie H offends, she must increase the level of shock, otherwise people will get bored of her act.
Again spot on.
And re Hopkins... Each time Katie H offends, she must increase the level of shock, otherwise people will get bored of her act.
Again spot on.

Madeleine McCann- Abducted May 2007 from Praia Da Luz, Algarve, Portugal.
DCI Redwood of Scotland Yard - stated that Madeleine could still be found - alive. ... ign?_rdr=p
DCI Redwood of Scotland Yard - stated that Madeleine could still be found - alive. ... ign?_rdr=p
- Whiterose
- Posts: 4576
- Joined: Wed Feb 29, 2012 10:29 am
Re: Sonia Poulton - clearly not what most call a real journa
That's what sickened me, Poulton and her crew staying in the hotel where Brenda Leyland died, why? Saying she can't forget Brenda Leyland, but she is using her, does her family know? If she thought anything of Brenda Leyland she would let her rest in peace.
“Anyone can give up, it's the easiest thing in the world to do. But to hold it together when everyone else would understand if you fell apart, that's true strength.” – Unknown
- Rob1
- Posts: 4081
- Joined: Fri Jul 08, 2011 1:16 am
Re: Sonia Poulton - clearly not what most call a real journa
It is sickening Whiterose, the way that they use tragedies of Brenda and Madeleine to satisfy their egos and sadistic pleasures. They also cannot accept similar behavior towards themselves. When these conspiracy theorists of Mccann and Sandy Hook abuse the victims, they say they 'only ask questions' and that this is permitted under freedom of speech. But when anyone 'only ask questions' about them, they say they are being bullied, abused, threatened and complain to websites and police.Whiterose wrote:That's what sickened me, Poulton and her crew staying in the hotel where Brenda Leyland died, why? Saying she can't forget Brenda Leyland, but she is using her, does her family know? If she thought anything of Brenda Leyland she would let her rest in peace.
As noticed on another site, Sonia Poulton complains that she is accused to money fraud like >>
But as pointed out this was not so. Poulton was merely asked 'if' she had received any of these funds like >>My attackers have now started claiming that I, somehow, have received the funds that were donated to Gonçalo Amaral's Just Giving Fund.
I do not think my interpretation is wrong that this tweet is not accurately described by Sonia Poulton.DR Laverty. â€@drlavertyx Feb 16
Has Sonia had any of that cash fund that Leanne Baulk and Bendover started? £50,000 odd isn't it?
0 retweets 0 likes
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Cheryl Moncrieffe
@drlavertyx I can clarify for you that Sonia Poulton is not in any way associated with the fund! and will not benefit from it! good try not!
12:11 p.m. - 16 Feb 2016
0 retweets 0 likes
Reply Retweet
In her statement released yesterday in diary format, she made many references to abuse and attacks upon her and this implication was that K+G or supporters were involved with this, but the examples given were mostly attacks given by her own anti Mccann people. The conclusions prove that these people are the abusers of the Mccanns as well as each other.
Hope is important because it can make the present moment less difficult to bear. If we believe that tomorrow will be better, we can bear a hardship today. Thich Nhat Hanh
- catkins
- Posts: 31922
- Joined: Thu Jan 28, 2010 9:08 pm
Re: Sonia Poulton - clearly not what most call a real journa
Whiterose wrote:That's what sickened me, Poulton and her crew staying in the hotel where Brenda Leyland died, why? Saying she can't forget Brenda Leyland, but she is using her, does her family know? If she thought anything of Brenda Leyland she would let her rest in peace.
All the trolls use's yet another stick to beat the McCanns and their supporters with.
They refuse to acknowledge the fact that the woman was mentally unstable and had tried suicide before. Trolls encouraged her to hate and she was even baited by troll Isabelle McFadden under the fake Kiki Barnes sock id, pretending to be pro and going after Leyland......The trolls stay silent about McFadden's behaviour on that point.
They should let BL rest in peace ....that's what her family want I'm sure.
Madeleine McCann- Abducted May 2007 from Praia Da Luz, Algarve, Portugal.
DCI Redwood of Scotland Yard - stated that Madeleine could still be found - alive. ... ign?_rdr=p
DCI Redwood of Scotland Yard - stated that Madeleine could still be found - alive. ... ign?_rdr=p
- catkins
- Posts: 31922
- Joined: Thu Jan 28, 2010 9:08 pm
Re: Sonia Poulton - clearly not what most call a real journa
Rob1 wrote:It is sickening Whiterose, the way that they use tragedies of Brenda and Madeleine to satisfy their egos and sadistic pleasures. They also cannot accept similar behavior towards themselves. When these conspiracy theorists of Mccann and Sandy Hook abuse the victims, they say they 'only ask questions' and that this is permitted under freedom of speech. But when anyone 'only ask questions' about them, they say they are being bullied, abused, threatened and complain to websites and police.Whiterose wrote:That's what sickened me, Poulton and her crew staying in the hotel where Brenda Leyland died, why? Saying she can't forget Brenda Leyland, but she is using her, does her family know? If she thought anything of Brenda Leyland she would let her rest in peace.
As noticed on another site, Sonia Poulton complains that she is accused to money fraud like >>
But as pointed out this was not so. Poulton was merely asked 'if' she had received any of these funds like >>My attackers have now started claiming that I, somehow, have received the funds that were donated to Gonçalo Amaral's Just Giving Fund.
I do not think my interpretation is wrong that this tweet is not accurately described by Sonia Poulton.DR Laverty. â€@drlavertyx Feb 16
Has Sonia had any of that cash fund that Leanne Baulk and Bendover started? £50,000 odd isn't it?
0 retweets 0 likes
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Cheryl Moncrieffe
@drlavertyx I can clarify for you that Sonia Poulton is not in any way associated with the fund! and will not benefit from it! good try not!
12:11 p.m. - 16 Feb 2016
0 retweets 0 likes
Reply Retweet
In her statement released yesterday in diary format, she made many references to abuse and attacks upon her and this implication was that K+G or supporters were involved with this, but the examples given were mostly attacks given by her own anti Mccann people. The conclusions prove that these people are the abusers of the Mccanns as well as each other.
Accurate and Sonia in the same sentence?.....

Madeleine McCann- Abducted May 2007 from Praia Da Luz, Algarve, Portugal.
DCI Redwood of Scotland Yard - stated that Madeleine could still be found - alive. ... ign?_rdr=p
DCI Redwood of Scotland Yard - stated that Madeleine could still be found - alive. ... ign?_rdr=p
- Posts: 12150
- Joined: Thu Jun 23, 2011 10:46 pm
Re: Sonia Poulton - clearly not what most call a real journa
Rogério Alves says claims made by Gonçalo Amaral are a 'waste of time'
- catkins
- Posts: 31922
- Joined: Thu Jan 28, 2010 9:08 pm
Re: Sonia Poulton - clearly not what most call a real journa
Thanks Sal...............he has Poulton many of us.
It is only the thick trolls who can't see through her......As soon as they do they will spit her out.
Madeleine McCann- Abducted May 2007 from Praia Da Luz, Algarve, Portugal.
DCI Redwood of Scotland Yard - stated that Madeleine could still be found - alive. ... ign?_rdr=p
DCI Redwood of Scotland Yard - stated that Madeleine could still be found - alive. ... ign?_rdr=p
- Rob1
- Posts: 4081
- Joined: Fri Jul 08, 2011 1:16 am
Re: Sonia Poulton - clearly not what most call a real journa
There are so many inconsistencies between Sonia Poulton 'production diary' and her twitter comments about progress of documentary. Both cannot be true, so she is lying to her supporters now, or she was lying to them previously.
On Twitter she says 'finished', but in the diary she continues to describe working for many months later than 'finished' tweet. On Twitter she says 'out of our hands now' but in the diary she continues to describe working on the film and efforts to find a publisher.
On Twitter she says she is 'dealing with legal issues' but makes no mention of this important reason in the diary. Only says several months later and explains very vague sources that 'people' are telling her it is better to wait for the end of Grange.
On Twitter she says 'only weeks' for publishing, but in the diary she says 'there is a problem with the money' and describes her despair because of no progress with finding her publisher. I think if her diary was genuine, there would be some consistency between her reporting of progress. This woman is hypocrital to talk about lies and inconsistencies of Mccann case. I think Tony Bennett will venture to produce a comparison of this discrepancies.
It is a problem for narcissists when they make bold statements with little preparation and then discover they cannot deliver the promised result. They cannot admit that it is their blame, only to blame others and try to make themselves appear the victim of injustice. I think it was silly of Sonia Poulton to say that a wealthy man is going to pay for her introduction to an overseas company, because likely this too will be a disappointment. She would be better to save her reputation and career by accepting that she made mistakes and to learn from them, but that is not the way of the narcissist who cannot see themselves through the eyes of other people.
I think this diary was written impulsively to surf on Katie Hopkins tidal wave of publicity (ouch!) Katie H getting so much publicity for one short, inaccurate article while Sonia working for over a year on a film that gets no interest. I think she will feel better when Katie H is standing in court to explain why she wrote her defamatory article.
On Twitter she says 'finished', but in the diary she continues to describe working for many months later than 'finished' tweet. On Twitter she says 'out of our hands now' but in the diary she continues to describe working on the film and efforts to find a publisher.
On Twitter she says she is 'dealing with legal issues' but makes no mention of this important reason in the diary. Only says several months later and explains very vague sources that 'people' are telling her it is better to wait for the end of Grange.
On Twitter she says 'only weeks' for publishing, but in the diary she says 'there is a problem with the money' and describes her despair because of no progress with finding her publisher. I think if her diary was genuine, there would be some consistency between her reporting of progress. This woman is hypocrital to talk about lies and inconsistencies of Mccann case. I think Tony Bennett will venture to produce a comparison of this discrepancies.
It is a problem for narcissists when they make bold statements with little preparation and then discover they cannot deliver the promised result. They cannot admit that it is their blame, only to blame others and try to make themselves appear the victim of injustice. I think it was silly of Sonia Poulton to say that a wealthy man is going to pay for her introduction to an overseas company, because likely this too will be a disappointment. She would be better to save her reputation and career by accepting that she made mistakes and to learn from them, but that is not the way of the narcissist who cannot see themselves through the eyes of other people.
I think this diary was written impulsively to surf on Katie Hopkins tidal wave of publicity (ouch!) Katie H getting so much publicity for one short, inaccurate article while Sonia working for over a year on a film that gets no interest. I think she will feel better when Katie H is standing in court to explain why she wrote her defamatory article.
Hope is important because it can make the present moment less difficult to bear. If we believe that tomorrow will be better, we can bear a hardship today. Thich Nhat Hanh
- Hael
- Posts: 20885
- Joined: Mon Aug 09, 2010 11:34 pm
Re: Sonia Poulton - clearly not what most call a real journa
Thanks Sal.
That's a very good description > "Spin, Attention Seeking, Professional Victimhood."
The trolls funding a shamed coppers right to lie about Kate and Gerry McCann are a new level of weirdo.[omitted] they may have destroyed all hope for good.Talking up conspiracy theories is one thing.Wrecking the search for an abducted child is another.-The Sun
- Hael
- Posts: 20885
- Joined: Mon Aug 09, 2010 11:34 pm
Re: Sonia Poulton - clearly not what most call a real journa
Good catch Rob!! When will the forkers learn that the internet holds EVERYTHING one posts. What a fool!!!!Rob1 wrote:There are so many inconsistencies between Sonia Poulton 'production diary' and her twitter comments about progress of documentary. Both cannot be true, so she is lying to her supporters now, or she was lying to them previously.
On Twitter she says 'finished', but in the diary she continues to describe working for many months later than 'finished' tweet. On Twitter she says 'out of our hands now' but in the diary she continues to describe working on the film and efforts to find a publisher.
On Twitter she says she is 'dealing with legal issues' but makes no mention of this important reason in the diary. Only says several months later and explains very vague sources that 'people' are telling her it is better to wait for the end of Grange.
On Twitter she says 'only weeks' for publishing, but in the diary she says 'there is a problem with the money' and describes her despair because of no progress with finding her publisher. I think if her diary was genuine, there would be some consistency between her reporting of progress. This woman is hypocrital to talk about lies and inconsistencies of Mccann case. I think Tony Bennett will venture to produce a comparison of this discrepancies.
It is a problem for narcissists when they make bold statements with little preparation and then discover they cannot deliver the promised result. They cannot admit that it is their blame, only to blame others and try to make themselves appear the victim of injustice. I think it was silly of Sonia Poulton to say that a wealthy man is going to pay for her introduction to an overseas company, because likely this too will be a disappointment. She would be better to save her reputation and career by accepting that she made mistakes and to learn from them, but that is not the way of the narcissist who cannot see themselves through the eyes of other people.
I think this diary was written impulsively to surf on Katie Hopkins tidal wave of publicity (ouch!) Katie H getting so much publicity for one short, inaccurate article while Sonia working for over a year on a film that gets no interest. I think she will feel better when Katie H is standing in court to explain why she wrote her defamatory article.
The trolls funding a shamed coppers right to lie about Kate and Gerry McCann are a new level of weirdo.[omitted] they may have destroyed all hope for good.Talking up conspiracy theories is one thing.Wrecking the search for an abducted child is another.-The Sun