@trollexposure wrote:
Have been observing the shenanigans regarding Thompson etc for some time. As you may already know Darren Laverty was effectively acquitted recently following false allegations and charges against him from Sonia Poulton aided and abetted by her little gang.
What you may not know are the names that she dropped "in it" as part of her statements which had to be disclosed to Laverty's defence team.
Laverty was initially arrested on 19th May 2016 in an over the top raid involving police in riot gear at 6am in the morning. Poulton then arranged after Laverty's (and on the SAME day as) initial arrest to introduce Esther Baker (she of Cannock Chase CSA allegation fame) into the mix. Baker then told her story to the same Met officers who had travelled up from London to Anglesey to arrest Laverty. Within a week, he was arrested again on more false allegations. Laverty was subsequently charged later in the year. I had offered Laverty's legal team evidence to support his defence and I had signed off on formal witness statements.
On 22nd November 2016, I gave a voluntary statement to Cumbria Police concerning the same allegations I'll describe below. Bear that in mind when you read the rest of this.
However, what is also apparent from information in Poulton's statements is that she also lied to the police, including attempting to claim that there was a "gang" after her - when in reality it was merely a disparate group of individuals who all had the same concerns about her behaviour and that of her associates like Thompson.
As someone who was also targeted by her and as someone who had exposed her and her associates online behaviour, I was also arrested in January on 4th January 2017 in another over the top raid at 6am on trumped up allegations from Baker and her friends the Wilmers. They had complained falsely that I had a twitter account (which was not mine and never accessed or logged in by me) named @scsidrive who had expressed similar concerns to those on my blog site Real Troll Exposure. Further, they also falsely accused me of owning the "twitterati" blog site which had also been very critical of Baker, Poulton etc. The only blog entries on Real Troll Exposure I was questioned about concerned a quote from another blogsite (which was supporting Baker and Poulton etc) and also one concerning a Fathers 4 Justice stunt on Jeremy Corbyn's house. However, once I became aware that Poulton was behind all of this it started to make much more sense and the connections to one of the Wilmers to Poulton were cast in stone from January/February 2015. The timing of my arrest in the middle of Laverty's court case (he was going through pre-trial procedures) was I believe an attempt to intimidate me from helping his defence team.
It was around that time that Poulton also published links to articles on Ryan's trollpatrol blog which included gross and offensive material about Laverty and others. Same Wilmer also requested Poulton's help in the lead up to Baker's Sky News etc appearances in May 2015.
Also the day BEFORE I was arrested, Mark Watts of the failed Exaro News knew about the impending raid and tweeted about it on Twitter. How did he know? One can make some educated guesses as to how. He then tweeted stuff naming me on the same day as my arrest. As a guide, the police don't routinely name suspects and on the same day they arrested someone at Heathrow on suspected terrorism offences but didn't name them. So again, why did Watts feel it necessary?
From the disclosures in Laverty's case it has become apparent that Ben Thompson and others associated with Poulton, named in her statements and other correspondence, were part of a concerted effort/conspiracy to pervert the course of justice - or that is my personal interpretation of it. Poulton had claimed that she was in physical danger, she was not, she also lied about what I'd supposedly done, she'd effectively planted so many sob stories into the heads of the investigating officers that I believe that she was manipulating events for a purpose: to get back at Laverty for the conviction of Royden James Jones. The timing of her complaints to the Met would strongly suggest so.
The extent of the manipulation has only become apparent over the last few weeks however. The attempts to silence any critics of Poulton and gang have been extraordinary and they've used as many devious means as possible to try and shut people up or to silence them by other means. Their evilness is going to be exposed further however, rest assured the repercussions from this are happening though. The amount of police time and effort wasted was scandalous, there also have to be questions asked about why the cops didn't examine the behaviour of the complainants before steaming in with arrests. Especially in my case as they had not proven I was the owner of the accounts/blog I was falsely accused of, that the Met had obtained a search warrant suggesting they'd already got proof of ownership when they admitted they hadn't in interview and also that I'd already given a voluntary interview in November 2016 which was seemingly completely ignored. Furthermore, at the time of my arrest there were ongoing investigations (and still are) to complaints from me to 3 different police forces about Poulton's associates online. You can imagine my anger.
The fact the Met were manipulated and it got within 3 weeks of Laverty's trial before they were even aware of what Poulton etc were up to is not likely to go down well with them, especially as complaints have already been filed. I would like to embellish further and give names etc but I can't for fairly obvious reasons. When I can update you on the progress of this utter shambles then I'll do so.
I would however urge some caution please though don't bite to the incitement of Thompson etc. They get a massive kick out of making other lives a misery, defend your own corner but do it legally. The less you respond directly the more likely you are to expose their behaviour in the eyes of the police. If someone comes on here defending the likes of Thompson then it's readily apparent they are part of the problem and not the solution.
Good luck in your own personal endeavours in tackling that bunch of evil tossers. The sooner the police realize how they've been duped by Poulton and gang, the better in my view.
Sonia Poulton - clearly not what most call a real journalist
- Posts: 12150
- Joined: Thu Jun 23, 2011 10:46 pm
Re: Sonia Poulton - clearly not what most call a real journalist
Rogério Alves says claims made by Gonçalo Amaral are a 'waste of time'
- Hael
- Posts: 20885
- Joined: Mon Aug 09, 2010 11:34 pm
Re: Sonia Poulton - clearly not what most call a real journalist
Doesn't it just make you angry reading how these nasty people are wasting police time and resources, when all we hear is how understaffed and underfunded they are in having to deal with real important policing issues.
The trolls funding a shamed coppers right to lie about Kate and Gerry McCann are a new level of weirdo.[omitted] they may have destroyed all hope for good.Talking up conspiracy theories is one thing.Wrecking the search for an abducted child is another.-The Sun
- catkins
- Posts: 31922
- Joined: Thu Jan 28, 2010 9:08 pm
Re: Sonia Poulton - clearly not what most call a real journalist
Devious cretins.....

Madeleine McCann- Abducted May 2007 from Praia Da Luz, Algarve, Portugal.
DCI Redwood of Scotland Yard - stated that Madeleine could still be found - alive.
https://www.facebook.com/Official.Find. ... ign?_rdr=p
DCI Redwood of Scotland Yard - stated that Madeleine could still be found - alive.
https://www.facebook.com/Official.Find. ... ign?_rdr=p
- Alibongo
- Posts: 19057
- Joined: Sat Mar 19, 2011 11:18 pm
Re: Sonia Poulton - clearly not what most call a real journalist
Parent-blaming is all-too-common these days, and usually the point is to make other parents feel better about their own parenting skills
- Posts: 18119
- Joined: Mon Mar 21, 2011 6:22 pm
Re: Sonia Poulton - clearly not what most call a real journalist
What a sordid state of affairs!
- Posts: 18119
- Joined: Mon Mar 21, 2011 6:22 pm
Re: Sonia Poulton - clearly not what most call a real journalist
Sonia Poulton
26 Mar
I am taking a break with immediate effect. This is my statement. Best wishes, Sonia

26 Mar
I am taking a break with immediate effect. This is my statement. Best wishes, Sonia
- Posts: 18119
- Joined: Mon Mar 21, 2011 6:22 pm
Re: Sonia Poulton - clearly not what most call a real journalist
I thought all this had been dropped by the Police and thrown out years ago.
- honestbroker1
- Posts: 8881
- Joined: Sat Apr 16, 2011 8:50 pm
Re: Sonia Poulton - clearly not what most call a real journalist
Sonj off the net!
She will be missed like raging toothache.
She will be missed like raging toothache.
- Whiterose
- Posts: 4576
- Joined: Wed Feb 29, 2012 10:29 am
Re: Sonia Poulton - clearly not what most call a real journalist
Oh dear never mind 
“Anyone can give up, it's the easiest thing in the world to do. But to hold it together when everyone else would understand if you fell apart, that's true strength.” – Unknown
- Alibongo
- Posts: 19057
- Joined: Sat Mar 19, 2011 11:18 pm
Re: Sonia Poulton - clearly not what most call a real journalist
APRIL 6TH 2021
Hello –
As many know, I have temporarily pulled back from my journalistic and broadcasting work.
This is primarily for two reasons:
1. Because I am currently being sued by two men (including an ex-MP) and I am suing three men for harassment (the ex-MP on a counterclaim with two associates included) and I need time to prepare.
2. Because of the stress caused to my health.
This post is not about the current cases because they are live proceedings and I do not wish to harm that in any way.
I want to proceed to full trial so the truth may be heard.
This page is about reaching out to protect myself and the work I do in the long term.
It is about establishing a Fighting Fund to protect and defend me over the coming years.
I have to be careful what I write, but it is a fact that some of my enemies - and I have quite a few these days - are relentlessly targeting me. I am watched 24-7. This is not an exaggeration but a frightening reality.
It is scary and creepy and the police are failing to protect me from those who have expressed an intention to cause harm to me.
Even with evidence I have been left vulnerable and forced to protect myself.
The facts behind these words will become evident over the coming weeks and months.
If you feel inclined to contribute, please do so here. Any amount helps and is appreciated.
Via the button below:
Donate with PayPal button
Bank Transfer (preferable)
SV Poulton
Account No. 03215652
Sort Code 20-25-25
More of what has been going on...
It is not just the police I am repeatedly reported to, but to private individuals and their advisors.
A number of complaints have been sent to Carter Ruck, for one example.
Carter Ruck, for those who don’t know, is the powerful UK libel lawyers who famously represent Kate and Gerry McCann.
My enemies work hard contacting anyone they feel may have an interest in suing and pursuing me at home and abroad.
They contact my livestream guests and smear me with the aim of having people pull out.
They contact people who have hired me and they lie and threaten them into dropping me.
The desperation to harm me - and in a multitude of ways - is obvious to all who have come back to tell me what has happened behind my back. It has gone on for too long and it must stop. I am now prepared to fully fight back.
It has been an onslaught - mental, emotional and physical - but I am still here.
I have been supported throughout the current legal challenge by the remarkable people at Brand New Tube, I am overwhelmed by what they have done for me. I have worked with them for less than a year but they have shown more loyalty than companies I have worked with for a decade.
BNT is a young, British-based video sharing platform that was launched in May 2020 with the express aim of giving a voice to those who were denied such by Big Tech - and particularly by the totalitarian You Tube.
BNT launched and the development was underway when they approached me to co-host a weekly livestream – and then it all kicked off.
Some of my enemies - aware that I had found a new platform - targeted BNT, too.
In the last few months BNT have been to hell and back.
All of it will come out in due course.
BNT is made up of individuals who have put themselves on the line.
I can’t thank them enough. They have proven to be unique in the cutthroat media world I inhabit.
They are unusual in this and the platform must be protected.
I am proud of The Raw Report – our Friday night livestream on Brand New Tube.
We have just completed the second series and the buzz grows week on week.
Our guests are engaging, varied and come from all walks of life from Hollywood actors to activists campaigning to protect brutalised young people. It’s about people who put their heads above parapets. Regardless of the personal cost.
I believe there is nothing out there like it and we will continue to develop it – despite obstacles aimed to stop us.
We will return for a third series shortly.
For three decades I have been on television and radio but, as I became increasingly questioning of mainstream agendas and narratives, I have found myself at odds with those who run mainstream media.
To stay in mainstream media you must not rock the boat. You must conform regardless. I can’t do that. I was made to rock boats. Besides, staying in mainstream media is not my goal – telling the truth is.
The type of journalism I do is not a money spinner. I’ve not grown rich from this and neither do I desire to.
I’m not in this for the money or for popularity or social media likes. My work means something to me.
I do not create clickbait content or seek to glorify survivors of s-e-x abuse or to make money off the back of misery.
I do my work because I hope to even up the odds for people who routinely do not have a voice.
But it is my lack of funds to defend myself that my growing list of enemies hope will deny me justice.
I will fight tooth and nail not to fall into that trap.
In 2021 telling the truth as a journalist is an occupational hazard that many now choose to avoid. Not me. I can’t.
I am proud to have stuck my neck out over the years about many topics including the contaminated blood scandal, cruel welfare reforms, dismantling of the NHS, establishment corruption, child abuse.
And, as many know, I have also been prepared to challenge the big stories be that the disappearance of Madeleine McCann or investigating the rumours of p.a.e.d.o.philes within the British Establishment.
(Which, while I’m on it, please seek out and download my documentaries before they are subject to further attack and possible deletion. There is an ongoing campaign to close my You Tube channel which contains them.
Most notably ‘The McCanns and the Police’, ‘Madeleine McCann: Public Relations & Saving Reputations’, ‘p.a.e.d.o.philes in Parliament 2018’, ‘Drag Queen Story Hour: Child Grooming in Plain Sight?’, ‘UK Politics: Did a p.a.e.dophile Influence Children’s Policies?’ ‘The Business of Cancer’ and more).
People sometimes say to me “I don’t agree with you on everything, but I agree with you about this.”
Whatever ‘this’ is, it’s enough. We don’t have to agree on everything; indeed it would be slightly creepy if we did, but as long as we agree on the important things then that’s enough.
Sometimes I make errors, I’m human but I am quick to clear them up when there is proof that I am wrong. Unfortunately, others seek to punish me in disproportionate ways and to manipulate circumstances to do so.
I have found myself in a place where multiple things are happening and are designed to harm and distress me.
The extent of behind-the-scenes manipulations mean that not only would I be unable to carry on my journalistic work but my word would count for little. Just as some want it.
Yes there really are people out there, some in powerful organisations, who want to silence and discredit me.
And you know why? Because my reputation is too good for their liking. They fear that people listen to me.
The reality is my life and work have become hazardous and I need an ongoing fighting fund just to survive it.
It’s not in my nature to ask for help, I am particularly bad at it. But needs must.
I worry about the implications of public contributions knowing my enemies will try to use it against me, but I can’t care what people who want to harm me think given that their stated aims are to bankrupt me, see me imprisoned and destroy my good reputation.
The reality is I’ve reached a place where I have no alternative.
As my name has become more synonymous with fighting against injustices, my enemies have become more powerful and embedded within the British Establishment. Not all. Some are merely foot soldiers, but dangerous and meddling ones.
This is where you may come in...
What I am facing is not a fight I can take on alone, I need to reach out to those who value what I do.
This is a request in two parts.
1. A Fighting Fund
2. Your Words of Support
This Fighting Fund started because a very kind supporter emailed me and insisted I give her my account details so she could contribute to my legal fees. I was reluctant. Nonetheless, I admitted to her I needed help and she generously did just that.
It means the world to me. But not everyone can afford to do that and neither should anyone feel any pressure to do so.
So, only contribute if: 1. You can afford to and, 2. Because you believe I deserve your support.
I will not start a Go Fund Me or anything similar because my enemies will fight to close it down, this is the reality.
Above you will find a link to my bank account (preferable) and PayPal account.
Which brings me to Point 2. Your Words of Support
Over the years I have received a significant volume of correspondence from people who have thanked me for covering their story, for helping them to better understand a situation they have found themselves in, or in shedding light on issues they seek to know more about.
I need people to do that now. I am here reaching out to you and saying if there was ever a time to protect my good name – and let it be known what I have done – it is now.
So, if you have a nice word to say about me and would be prepared for me to present as a series of statements (when needed) please do so and send to soniapoulton@sky.com
This is a fight for my survival and I will do everything I can.
Yes, it’s that serious.
I'm sorry to be so vague about what is happening but it will soon become apparent why the need to be careful.
This is unprecedented for me but then unprecedented times require unprecedented measures.
I am under no illusion that 2021 is the year that ‘they’ have come for me. And I need help.
I am prepared to break the habit of a lifetime to reach out for it.
Thank you.
Sonia Poulton
April 6, 2021
Hello –
As many know, I have temporarily pulled back from my journalistic and broadcasting work.
This is primarily for two reasons:
1. Because I am currently being sued by two men (including an ex-MP) and I am suing three men for harassment (the ex-MP on a counterclaim with two associates included) and I need time to prepare.
2. Because of the stress caused to my health.
This post is not about the current cases because they are live proceedings and I do not wish to harm that in any way.
I want to proceed to full trial so the truth may be heard.
This page is about reaching out to protect myself and the work I do in the long term.
It is about establishing a Fighting Fund to protect and defend me over the coming years.
I have to be careful what I write, but it is a fact that some of my enemies - and I have quite a few these days - are relentlessly targeting me. I am watched 24-7. This is not an exaggeration but a frightening reality.
It is scary and creepy and the police are failing to protect me from those who have expressed an intention to cause harm to me.
Even with evidence I have been left vulnerable and forced to protect myself.
The facts behind these words will become evident over the coming weeks and months.
If you feel inclined to contribute, please do so here. Any amount helps and is appreciated.
Via the button below:
Donate with PayPal button
Bank Transfer (preferable)
SV Poulton
Account No. 03215652
Sort Code 20-25-25
More of what has been going on...
It is not just the police I am repeatedly reported to, but to private individuals and their advisors.
A number of complaints have been sent to Carter Ruck, for one example.
Carter Ruck, for those who don’t know, is the powerful UK libel lawyers who famously represent Kate and Gerry McCann.
My enemies work hard contacting anyone they feel may have an interest in suing and pursuing me at home and abroad.
They contact my livestream guests and smear me with the aim of having people pull out.
They contact people who have hired me and they lie and threaten them into dropping me.
The desperation to harm me - and in a multitude of ways - is obvious to all who have come back to tell me what has happened behind my back. It has gone on for too long and it must stop. I am now prepared to fully fight back.
It has been an onslaught - mental, emotional and physical - but I am still here.
I have been supported throughout the current legal challenge by the remarkable people at Brand New Tube, I am overwhelmed by what they have done for me. I have worked with them for less than a year but they have shown more loyalty than companies I have worked with for a decade.
BNT is a young, British-based video sharing platform that was launched in May 2020 with the express aim of giving a voice to those who were denied such by Big Tech - and particularly by the totalitarian You Tube.
BNT launched and the development was underway when they approached me to co-host a weekly livestream – and then it all kicked off.
Some of my enemies - aware that I had found a new platform - targeted BNT, too.
In the last few months BNT have been to hell and back.
All of it will come out in due course.
BNT is made up of individuals who have put themselves on the line.
I can’t thank them enough. They have proven to be unique in the cutthroat media world I inhabit.
They are unusual in this and the platform must be protected.
I am proud of The Raw Report – our Friday night livestream on Brand New Tube.
We have just completed the second series and the buzz grows week on week.
Our guests are engaging, varied and come from all walks of life from Hollywood actors to activists campaigning to protect brutalised young people. It’s about people who put their heads above parapets. Regardless of the personal cost.
I believe there is nothing out there like it and we will continue to develop it – despite obstacles aimed to stop us.
We will return for a third series shortly.
For three decades I have been on television and radio but, as I became increasingly questioning of mainstream agendas and narratives, I have found myself at odds with those who run mainstream media.
To stay in mainstream media you must not rock the boat. You must conform regardless. I can’t do that. I was made to rock boats. Besides, staying in mainstream media is not my goal – telling the truth is.
The type of journalism I do is not a money spinner. I’ve not grown rich from this and neither do I desire to.
I’m not in this for the money or for popularity or social media likes. My work means something to me.
I do not create clickbait content or seek to glorify survivors of s-e-x abuse or to make money off the back of misery.
I do my work because I hope to even up the odds for people who routinely do not have a voice.
But it is my lack of funds to defend myself that my growing list of enemies hope will deny me justice.
I will fight tooth and nail not to fall into that trap.
In 2021 telling the truth as a journalist is an occupational hazard that many now choose to avoid. Not me. I can’t.
I am proud to have stuck my neck out over the years about many topics including the contaminated blood scandal, cruel welfare reforms, dismantling of the NHS, establishment corruption, child abuse.
And, as many know, I have also been prepared to challenge the big stories be that the disappearance of Madeleine McCann or investigating the rumours of p.a.e.d.o.philes within the British Establishment.
(Which, while I’m on it, please seek out and download my documentaries before they are subject to further attack and possible deletion. There is an ongoing campaign to close my You Tube channel which contains them.
Most notably ‘The McCanns and the Police’, ‘Madeleine McCann: Public Relations & Saving Reputations’, ‘p.a.e.d.o.philes in Parliament 2018’, ‘Drag Queen Story Hour: Child Grooming in Plain Sight?’, ‘UK Politics: Did a p.a.e.dophile Influence Children’s Policies?’ ‘The Business of Cancer’ and more).
People sometimes say to me “I don’t agree with you on everything, but I agree with you about this.”
Whatever ‘this’ is, it’s enough. We don’t have to agree on everything; indeed it would be slightly creepy if we did, but as long as we agree on the important things then that’s enough.
Sometimes I make errors, I’m human but I am quick to clear them up when there is proof that I am wrong. Unfortunately, others seek to punish me in disproportionate ways and to manipulate circumstances to do so.
I have found myself in a place where multiple things are happening and are designed to harm and distress me.
The extent of behind-the-scenes manipulations mean that not only would I be unable to carry on my journalistic work but my word would count for little. Just as some want it.
Yes there really are people out there, some in powerful organisations, who want to silence and discredit me.
And you know why? Because my reputation is too good for their liking. They fear that people listen to me.
The reality is my life and work have become hazardous and I need an ongoing fighting fund just to survive it.
It’s not in my nature to ask for help, I am particularly bad at it. But needs must.
I worry about the implications of public contributions knowing my enemies will try to use it against me, but I can’t care what people who want to harm me think given that their stated aims are to bankrupt me, see me imprisoned and destroy my good reputation.
The reality is I’ve reached a place where I have no alternative.
As my name has become more synonymous with fighting against injustices, my enemies have become more powerful and embedded within the British Establishment. Not all. Some are merely foot soldiers, but dangerous and meddling ones.
This is where you may come in...
What I am facing is not a fight I can take on alone, I need to reach out to those who value what I do.
This is a request in two parts.
1. A Fighting Fund
2. Your Words of Support
This Fighting Fund started because a very kind supporter emailed me and insisted I give her my account details so she could contribute to my legal fees. I was reluctant. Nonetheless, I admitted to her I needed help and she generously did just that.
It means the world to me. But not everyone can afford to do that and neither should anyone feel any pressure to do so.
So, only contribute if: 1. You can afford to and, 2. Because you believe I deserve your support.
I will not start a Go Fund Me or anything similar because my enemies will fight to close it down, this is the reality.
Above you will find a link to my bank account (preferable) and PayPal account.
Which brings me to Point 2. Your Words of Support
Over the years I have received a significant volume of correspondence from people who have thanked me for covering their story, for helping them to better understand a situation they have found themselves in, or in shedding light on issues they seek to know more about.
I need people to do that now. I am here reaching out to you and saying if there was ever a time to protect my good name – and let it be known what I have done – it is now.
So, if you have a nice word to say about me and would be prepared for me to present as a series of statements (when needed) please do so and send to soniapoulton@sky.com
This is a fight for my survival and I will do everything I can.
Yes, it’s that serious.
I'm sorry to be so vague about what is happening but it will soon become apparent why the need to be careful.
This is unprecedented for me but then unprecedented times require unprecedented measures.
I am under no illusion that 2021 is the year that ‘they’ have come for me. And I need help.
I am prepared to break the habit of a lifetime to reach out for it.
Thank you.
Sonia Poulton
April 6, 2021
Parent-blaming is all-too-common these days, and usually the point is to make other parents feel better about their own parenting skills
- Alibongo
- Posts: 19057
- Joined: Sat Mar 19, 2011 11:18 pm
Re: Sonia Poulton - clearly not what most call a real journalist
Well what can I say 
Another one with the begging bowl out...and Sonia you never had a good reputation to begin with

Another one with the begging bowl out...and Sonia you never had a good reputation to begin with

Parent-blaming is all-too-common these days, and usually the point is to make other parents feel better about their own parenting skills
- honestbroker1
- Posts: 8881
- Joined: Sat Apr 16, 2011 8:50 pm
- Alibongo
- Posts: 19057
- Joined: Sat Mar 19, 2011 11:18 pm
Re: Sonia Poulton - clearly not what most call a real journalist
She's very vague about just why she's being taken to court isn't she? 
She made accusations against the wrong person and she's creating a narrative for monetary gain.

She made accusations against the wrong person and she's creating a narrative for monetary gain.
Parent-blaming is all-too-common these days, and usually the point is to make other parents feel better about their own parenting skills
- honestbroker1
- Posts: 8881
- Joined: Sat Apr 16, 2011 8:50 pm
Re: Sonia Poulton - clearly not what most call a real journalist
She'll find out who her true friends are, or even if she has any true friends.
Who will dip their hands into their pockets to help Sonj?
Who will dip their hands into their pockets to help Sonj?
- Alibongo
- Posts: 19057
- Joined: Sat Mar 19, 2011 11:18 pm
Re: Sonia Poulton - clearly not what most call a real journalist
She's playing the victim card! The reality is she's brought about her own misfortune. She says people have complained to Carter Ruck about her, really?? 
I wasn't aware they had a complaints department
Sonia love I can see what your playing at you think using the Carter Ruck claim will help your begging bowl
She claims she wants to establish a fighting fund for many years to come clearly the begging bowl also comes with its own crystal ball.
I wonder if someone from bnt will doorstep Sonia now that would make good viewing figures, and Sonia does like staging set ups where she's the victim.
Crack on Sonia

I wasn't aware they had a complaints department

Sonia love I can see what your playing at you think using the Carter Ruck claim will help your begging bowl

She claims she wants to establish a fighting fund for many years to come clearly the begging bowl also comes with its own crystal ball.
I wonder if someone from bnt will doorstep Sonia now that would make good viewing figures, and Sonia does like staging set ups where she's the victim.
Crack on Sonia
Parent-blaming is all-too-common these days, and usually the point is to make other parents feel better about their own parenting skills
- Posts: 18119
- Joined: Mon Mar 21, 2011 6:22 pm
Re: Sonia Poulton - clearly not what most call a real journalist
She wants to say anything she likes about anyone and then expect others to pay for it. She doesn't want a GoFundMe because she knows that people will attack it? Well what about her supporters defending her and making donations?
Payments direct to her bank account and Paypal - oh yes - how transparent is that? Even if she gives regular updates who the hell can check what she says is accurate?
Remember the joy over the Patreon thing - a crowd funded way to get her video published - how did that work out? https://www.patreon.com/soniapoulton - no trace of it!
She really hasn't a clue. (and apparently no money either after her life's work)
She wants to say anything she likes about anyone and then expect others to pay for it. She doesn't want a GoFundMe because she knows that people will attack it? Well what about her supporters defending her and making donations?
Payments direct to her bank account and Paypal - oh yes - how transparent is that? Even if she gives regular updates who the hell can check what she says is accurate?
Remember the joy over the Patreon thing - a crowd funded way to get her video published - how did that work out? https://www.patreon.com/soniapoulton - no trace of it!
She really hasn't a clue. (and apparently no money either after her life's work)
- honestbroker1
- Posts: 8881
- Joined: Sat Apr 16, 2011 8:50 pm
Re: Sonia Poulton - clearly not what most call a real journalist
One might suppose she would find a natural reservoire of support over at Havern's place.
While there is mention of her predicament, there doesn't seem to be an overwhelming desire to reah out and help.
While there is mention of her predicament, there doesn't seem to be an overwhelming desire to reah out and help.
- Posts: 18119
- Joined: Mon Mar 21, 2011 6:22 pm
Re: Sonia Poulton - clearly not what most call a real journalist
honestbroker1 wrote: ↑Fri Apr 09, 2021 11:46 amOne might suppose she would find a natural reservoire of support over at Havern's place.
While there is mention of her predicament, there doesn't seem to be an overwhelming desire to reah out and help.
They don't like her there ever since her hutton and other interviews and her failure to produce a video that says Madeleine disappeared on either Sun or Mon (they haven't decided which day yet).by Tony Bennett 07.04.21 16:13
As usual, Sonia Poulton says nothing of value about what really happened to Madeleine McCann, as in that interview she did with Colin Sutton, who ran rings around her and kept on bashing Goncalo Amaral (I counted ELEVEN adverse references to GA in that interview).
Also, she falsely claimed in her latest effort that the PJ have been investigating the case.
They really haven't, not since July 2008. All they've done is go through the motions of co-operating with the cover-up merchants of Operation Grange.
- catkins
- Posts: 31922
- Joined: Thu Jan 28, 2010 9:08 pm
Re: Sonia Poulton - clearly not what most call a real journalist
I’m surprised to find that anybody still takes any notice of Screech. I thought she’d fallen down a rabbit hole and disappeared.
Madeleine McCann- Abducted May 2007 from Praia Da Luz, Algarve, Portugal.
DCI Redwood of Scotland Yard - stated that Madeleine could still be found - alive.
https://www.facebook.com/Official.Find. ... ign?_rdr=p
DCI Redwood of Scotland Yard - stated that Madeleine could still be found - alive.
https://www.facebook.com/Official.Find. ... ign?_rdr=p
- honestbroker1
- Posts: 8881
- Joined: Sat Apr 16, 2011 8:50 pm
- catkins
- Posts: 31922
- Joined: Thu Jan 28, 2010 9:08 pm
Re: Sonia Poulton - clearly not what most call a real journalist

Madeleine McCann- Abducted May 2007 from Praia Da Luz, Algarve, Portugal.
DCI Redwood of Scotland Yard - stated that Madeleine could still be found - alive.
https://www.facebook.com/Official.Find. ... ign?_rdr=p
DCI Redwood of Scotland Yard - stated that Madeleine could still be found - alive.
https://www.facebook.com/Official.Find. ... ign?_rdr=p
- Posts: 18119
- Joined: Mon Mar 21, 2011 6:22 pm
Re: Sonia Poulton - clearly not what most call a real journalist
Sonia Poulton
My work is lonely at times but recently I've felt more protected & surrounded by people who genuinely wish me well. Such a blessing. It's been a dark period but humanity at it's supportive best is a lifeline, not just financially but emotionally. Thank You https://soniapoulton.co.uk/fighting-fund
10:20 am · 16 Apr 2021·Twitter Web App
- Posts: 18119
- Joined: Mon Mar 21, 2011 6:22 pm
Re: Sonia Poulton - clearly not what most call a real journalist
https://www.soniapoulton.co.uk/fighting-fundFIGHT FOR SURVIVAL
This is a fight for my survival and I will do everything I can.
Yes, it’s that serious.
I'm sorry to be so vague about what is happening but it will soon become apparent why the need to be careful.
This is unprecedented for me but then unprecedented times require unprecedented measures.
I am under no illusion that 2021 is the year that ‘they’ have come for me. And I need help.
I am prepared to break the habit of a lifetime to reach out for it.
Thank you.
Sonia Poulton
April 6, 2021
- Alibongo
- Posts: 19057
- Joined: Sat Mar 19, 2011 11:18 pm
Re: Sonia Poulton - clearly not what most call a real journalist
Fools and their money are soon parted
I've noticed they're all pleading persecution and poverty.

I've noticed they're all pleading persecution and poverty.
Parent-blaming is all-too-common these days, and usually the point is to make other parents feel better about their own parenting skills
- catkins
- Posts: 31922
- Joined: Thu Jan 28, 2010 9:08 pm
Re: Sonia Poulton - clearly not what most call a real journalist
Drama queen.jjbd wrote: ↑Mon Apr 19, 2021 11:19 amhttps://www.soniapoulton.co.uk/fighting-fundFIGHT FOR SURVIVAL
This is a fight for my survival and I will do everything I can.
Yes, it’s that serious.
I'm sorry to be so vague about what is happening but it will soon become apparent why the need to be careful.
This is unprecedented for me but then unprecedented times require unprecedented measures.
I am under no illusion that 2021 is the year that ‘they’ have come for me. And I need help.
I am prepared to break the habit of a lifetime to reach out for it.
Thank you.
Sonia Poulton
April 6, 2021
Madeleine McCann- Abducted May 2007 from Praia Da Luz, Algarve, Portugal.
DCI Redwood of Scotland Yard - stated that Madeleine could still be found - alive.
https://www.facebook.com/Official.Find. ... ign?_rdr=p
DCI Redwood of Scotland Yard - stated that Madeleine could still be found - alive.
https://www.facebook.com/Official.Find. ... ign?_rdr=p