My friends, I received this through email, please, send this to everyone you know, also participate in this, thank you. ... rce=causes
A new message from the cause
Force Facebook To BLOCK All Child Pornography
"Please Help Me"
Posted by Raymond Bechard (cause leader)
Help this cause grow
Invite Friends
"I am a victim of child pornography and have many questions, but every lawyer I have talked to stops replying after I say the subject ... please help me. 100's of pictures were taken of me as a young teen and were distributed by a family member using a fake alias for my profile. Now, 6 years later, I am scarred, and am hoping to seek justice."Child Victim, British Columbia
Tell Facebook they must BLOCK these images and videos of children from entering their website. Make them listen to you.
Through the "Demand Card" system, Men Against Prostitution And Trafficking (MENAPAT), the group behind this Cause, has a convenient way for you to send a message directly to Facebook right now. Please take this powerful action. We are beginning to get their attention and we must send at least 100,000 "Demand Cards" to Facebook's Menlo Park, California offices.
You can send your card from anywhere in the from this special website.
Thank you,
Men Against Prostitution And Trafficking
Men Against Prostitution and Human Trafficking (MENAPAT) is an Independent Expenditure-Only Political Action Committee (PAC) registered with the United States Federal Election Commission. Donations to MENAPAT are not tax-deductible and are reported according to all FEC regulations.
please, send this to everyone you know
- Posts: 7045
- Joined: Thu Sep 22, 2011 2:50 pm
Re: please, send this to everyone you know
My friends, I received this from another friend, please, assist this, also spread to everyone you know. Thank you. ... Kiriklakis ... Kiriklakis
- Hael
- Posts: 20885
- Joined: Mon Aug 09, 2010 11:34 pm
Re: please, send this to everyone you know
Pedro Silva wrote:My friends, I received this from another friend, please, assist this, also spread to everyone you know. Thank you. ... Kiriklakis

The trolls funding a shamed coppers right to lie about Kate and Gerry McCann are a new level of weirdo.[omitted] they may have destroyed all hope for good.Talking up conspiracy theories is one thing.Wrecking the search for an abducted child is another.-The Sun
- Posts: 7045
- Joined: Thu Sep 22, 2011 2:50 pm