Ben Needham
- Jayelles
- Posts: 13652
- Joined: Fri Jan 07, 2011 6:31 pm
Re: Ben Needham
Today is Ben's 25th birthday. This is a significant birthday in any young person's life and a milestone which should be celebrated with friends and more importantly with family.
For most of us, a birthday is a special day for it is a marker of our time on this earth. It's a time to reflect on where we have come from and where we are going to. Birthdays may feel like they are only special to the individual, but in fact, they are special to our mothers too. As mothers, we remember each "birth day" as though it were yesterday because they are the days in which we finally got to meet the tiny bundle which formed its life inside us. There is no other love like a mother's love and Kerry Needham has described the moment when she first met little Ben:-

For most of us, a birthday is a special day for it is a marker of our time on this earth. It's a time to reflect on where we have come from and where we are going to. Birthdays may feel like they are only special to the individual, but in fact, they are special to our mothers too. As mothers, we remember each "birth day" as though it were yesterday because they are the days in which we finally got to meet the tiny bundle which formed its life inside us. There is no other love like a mother's love and Kerry Needham has described the moment when she first met little Ben:-
From there, her love just grew and it has never stopped growing despite the fact that Ben was so cruelly taken from her on 24th July 1991. There are no words or actions which can heal the pain that a mother feels when her child is taken. All we can do is support Kerry in her search for Ben and to sign the petition for the government to look at ways to move the investigation forward and Bring Ben home."And then for some reason my eyes just focused and I saw him. A tiny little shape: little hands, little feet, little head; folded over and bobbing around. And there was the heart. Pulsing and throbbing.... I was watching my little baby in my tummy and I already knew that I loved him."

- Jayelles
- Posts: 13652
- Joined: Fri Jan 07, 2011 6:31 pm
Re: Ben Needham
Ben was born at 6am on the morning of 29th October, 1989 weighing 6lb 6oz. When she first laid eyes upon her tiny bundle, Kerry could only repeat the same words over and over - "It's a miracle, it's a miracle". She couldn't get over the fact that she had made such a perfect little human being with his "shock of black hair, tiny button nose, really cure lips and lovely blue eyes".
- Posts: 2324
- Joined: Tue Aug 14, 2012 8:46 am
Re: Ben Needham
Poor woman, what a torture.
- Jayelles
- Posts: 13652
- Joined: Fri Jan 07, 2011 6:31 pm
- Whiterose
- Posts: 4576
- Joined: Wed Feb 29, 2012 10:29 am
Re: Ben Needham
“Anyone can give up, it's the easiest thing in the world to do. But to hold it together when everyone else would understand if you fell apart, that's true strength.” – Unknown